
Showing posts from December, 2011

Do Trigger Clauses Deliver?

Yes they do! They can be a phrase in an email that may specify a given date or event, that when occurs, will cause a mailing to be automatically sent. Triggered mailings are used in conjunction with some action performed by an email recipient such as a visit to a website or a purchase. At the time the specific action is performed, such as a purchase of (i.e.) a green hat on a Haberdashery website, this action triggers a specific email that is then sent to that recipient such as Thank you for purchasing our Green Hat. Tirggers can also be dates such as a birthday, the date they joined or list and so forth. Triggered mailings run on a schedule. Normally, this is once per day, but could be as often as once per hour, or as infrequently as every month or so. You specifythe exact time of day when it runs. Each time the triggered mailing runs, it works the same way as any other mailing to a segment. It first calculates which members meet the criteria specified in the segment, and

Is Everyone You Want to Reach on Your Email List? – Probably not

Do you believe that email is the best marketing vehicle around? Are you certain? Sure, email isn’t entirely infallible; it has its disadvantages, but so does every other marketing channel, including Facebook and Twitter. Consider the Disadvantages of email marketing: Is everyone you want to reach on your email list? – Probably not and then you find that, 1. Some email goes unopened. Do you open all your email? 2. There are deliverability issues: Tar Pitting , Spam Traps , stale addresses etc. At one time or another, you will have deliverability problems . 3. There are creativity limitations of the email marketer or how many ways can you say, “This offer expires soon”. 4. There may be size restrictions set by your recipients in their email client (i.e. Outlook): no graphics allowed. Do you download all emailed html and graphics on your home computer? 5. Your list members have different communication preferences. Have you wished your favorite email newsletter only containe