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Showing posts from 2012

E-mail Marketing Essentials for Better Response Rates in 2013

E-mail Marketing Essentials for Better Response Rates in 2013   Efficacious Email marketing campaigns are in part luck, art and science, and an understanding your subscriber base, which is the most significant part in any marketing campaign. You want subscribers to react to your email, (other than hit the trash or delete key) aand take an action such as visit a link, buy a product, take a survey, share with social media or forward the email to a friend. To figure how to make subscribers perform any of those actions often requires a personalized approach from the marketer so here are essential things to keep in mind when composing engaging e-mail marketing campaigns. Use the news. Make mention to what’s going on in the news that week, or that day in your subject line. You may have to be creative and definitely tie it into your content and you will find this will pay off in the end with better response rates. Whet the appetite with content snippets. Give aw

Experienced Email Marketers 6 Quick Hot Tips from 2012

Experienced Email Marketers 6 Quick Hot Tips from 2012           December 12 th , 2012 1. Engage with your signups and existing members with a preference center, capture data and content interests. 2. Personalize your messages, tested and proven to realize higher open rates. Hot Tips for 2012 3. When planning an integrated marketing campaign: keep your messages consistent in all marketing channels. Center your efforts around email marketing to drive awareness, responsiveness, want and action. 4. When you understand your audience, use a strong call to action in your marketing messages, don’t be wimpy – And always tell the recipients what’s in it for them. 5. Segment your email list to speak to individual groups and their interests. Targeted messages work wonders. 6. Mobile marketing is not for every business. Comments from Dundee Internet customers : “They are experts at what they do and they are an absolute pleasure to work with. If you have a need to build

*It’s* never too late to share tips for Holiday Email Campaigns

Always follow “ Email Best Practices ”. Be cognizant of your “ Sender’s Reputation ”.  A sender reputation is composed of many marketing layers. It answers questions such as who are you (i.e. A well know Brand of Hot Dogs), what are you known for (i.e. Great tasting all Beef Hot Dogs) and your email delivery character. (Are you a spammer?).   A sender’s reputation is your reputation. Do not share it or slight it by using (for example) purchased lists, as they may contain Spam Traps and other reputation killers. Along with email marketing, you need to think through your Social Media and Mobile marketing strategies; how they work together, because, they too, play a big part in the marketing mix. Include a link in your mailings to a subscriber preference and profile page.  You want your subscribers to add or change their email address when necessary and it’s useful to know how often they want to hear from you.  Make it a goal to know your subscribers.  Use that knowledge to

Tis the Month before Email

Tis the month before Christmas, and in every house, @ Christmas Marketing Time There’s e-buying, e-carding with a click of their mouse. The email marketers have prepared their holiday mails, Anticipating click-throughs that translate into sales. There’s been meetings, planning, and things, no telling, With the ROI pressure level raised to make this season oh so compelling. “We need more help and expertise they cried with a tear”, An email guru from Dundee Internet winst did appear. The email marketers then seeing the light, Could expect great things to happen after this night. Dundee Internet proved by experienced in years, with the power of Lyris ListManager ™,put their email in high gear. With segments and triggers for each mailing day, Proper subject lines and following best email practices, what could you say. The all-knowing guru assured them telling, you’re all opted in, not spammers, your sales will be swelling. With no less than technical magic and a

Are all email clients created equal?

Are all email clients created equal? For your first email campaign, you decide to use one of the free css templates offered with your email hosting service. As you work with the template of your choice, you discover that there are limits on what you can do, not enough colors, limit on the size and number of graphics, unforgiving borders AND font types? …forget about it. You stick with it: some tweaking hours later, you finally get what you might consider the almost “perfect” HTML message. The colors are okay, as are the fonts and graphics: they work with your message. Testing is next and by testing, you discover your email message displays perfectly in some browsers and email clients but looks like crap in others. What’s going on?? Unfortunately, not all email clients or browsers are created equal; some may render your email message differently because of a different presentation of HTML or CSS. (Cascading Style Sheets.); your email message for example looks great in Hotmail bu

The Key That Unlocks Your Marketing Emails

all sent emails, at the very least, contain two parts, the body of the message and the message header.  In fact, each part is analogous to an actual mail piece, the header being the fully addressed envelope (address of the recipient and sender) along with the subject line and other identifying data.  In other cases, the header is considered “the stamp” of the envelope.  The body, or letter, is the actual message with attachments. Key to Email Opens Depending on the email client used, the header information is usually displayed as: From: – To: – Date: – The date when the message was sent. Subject: – The subject line Simple stuff, right?  Well yes and no.  Headers can be mandatory, displaying specific information whereas other information can be optional.   Some headers contain the sending and the receiving time stamps of all actions taken on an email, such as forwarding the message to a friend to transferring the messa

Confirmed opted-in email addresses; more valuable than the “likes” on your FB page

Email marketing…successful, but is it successful  enough? Are you always under pressure to outdo your last campaign, even though your campaigns are working better than expected? Are you concerned that you’re numbers are coming behind the industry standard, (is there an industry standard). Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with those perceived industry numbers? And what about management and – doesn’t it seem they always expect bigger and better results, frowning on inconsistency and unexpected declines? And to top it off is your manager making the claim that email is passé –everything should be tweeted and facebooked instead; and aren’t you tired of hearing “how many likes do we have?” As an email marketer, you already know a well-conceived and implemented email marketing campaign has been proven, over and over again, to be the most cost effective way to produce leads, acquire new customers and bring in more revenue. In a perfect world, with a little ef

6 reasons to Make a Wake Up Call to your Discussion Lists

Don’t settle for out-of- date List Hosting Web Tools.  Switch to Dundee Internet Discussion List Hosting Services and: Need a wake up call? 1. Create a customize landing page 2. Brand your list(s) 3. Integrate with your existing database & website 4. Share photos 5. Share files 6. Run numerous discussion lists under one URL and brand, using one or many list administrators, or resell services to others with all discussion list benefits Create * Share * Grow “I can’t imagine doing our e-mail marketing with anyone else”     Mark – WWD Director of Operations

LifeCycling to Your Email Goals

Everything has a lifecycle including email. Our lifecycle, like everything else has a beginning, middle and an end with a lot of stuff going on in-between. Comparatively speaking an email list subscriber’s lifecycle is not much different, each subscriber or email address has a distinct beginning (when someone subscribes to your list), a middle (accepting your email messages) and an end (severing their membership by leaving your list or junking your email). However, unlike our lifecycle, you can harness the lifecycle of email using simple strategies to deliver the right message at the right time . Because email is such a valuable marketing tool, it’s prudent to utilize every method at your disposal to keep your members interested, engaged and reengaged – after all, you receive a lot more benefit sending messages to an involved subscriber rather than continually sending messages to those email addresses that have lapsed into oblivion. So, rather than send that one mes

Discussion Lists – A Complement To Communication

Discussion lists with advanced email features have numerous options that complement many communication arenas that are in use today. Dundee internet hosted Discussion lists created in ListManager ™ have the flexibility to: 1. Create Customize landing page 2. Brand your list(s) 3. Integrate into existing databases and websites 4. Share photos 5. Share files 6. Run unlimited lists under your domain, ours’ or theirs. 7. Employ one or many list administrators. 8. Provide numberous options and contols Create * Share * Grow “It worked flawlessly…. Thank you….!” Rick of History News

Expect RESULTS from Your Email Campaigns, really?

Email has many benefits; it’s fast, inexpensive, targeted and measurable. You can test it with numerous variables to see what combinations work best and change up a campaign as needed. Email marketing puts you in control of the returns you receive, with the ability to get the RESULTS you want. 7 Steps to get RESULTS from Your Email Campaigns R efine your Goals – are you looking for more customers, more traffic more leads? E nthusiastically create your email campaigns – do not forget to include a call to action (ask for the sale, email address or visit) and a related landing page for your offer . S elect and Target your audience with segments and personalized messages tailored to their preferences. U se A/B Split Testing – try different variables, a secondary landing page, change colors, and insert different graphics. Make sure to randomize your test group. L isten to your subscribers – send your message at the time your recipients want them . Know the composition of your

Email Ambiguity – can you really test for that?

Your computer screen is zipping along with charts, graphs and numbers.   So far so good, everything looks great.    You believe the email campaign is a success, so many website visitors, even more than you had hoped for.  Management is waiting for your report; how many people clicked on the yellow shoes, they ask – Clicked on the yellow shoes? You wonder, was I supposed to track that too? Yellow Shoe Marketing It all comes down to using the right set of parameters and performance indicators, the key performance indicators (KPIs) to collect the data  you need.  It goes without saying, knowing the objective of the campaign (yellow shoe clicks) will allow you to choose the KPIs you believe will be the most useful to determine the success or failure of a campaign. When you start reviewing which KPIs  to use,  it may seem a bit overwhelming, after all, you’re only trying to measure how well your email campaigns are doing and are they doing as well as you think.   So why s

Is a Feedback loop just Email Noise?

Is a Feedback loop just email noise? Thinking about Feedback loops? Email has many handlers, which translates into “ not all your email will be delivered as intended. ”  When an ISP receives many complaints about a particular email going through their email servers (where “many” is a number based on the discretion of the ISP), the ISP may deliver those messages to the recipient’s junk folder or decide not to deliver those messages at all.  (Complaints can be collected on report spam pages, webmail, email clients or other.) If you’re the originator of the message, that isn’t good news as your marketing efforts are wasted: your intended recipients may never look at their junk folder or worse yet, they never received your email message because it was never delivered. Consider a typical (major) ISP, such as AOL.  AOL like all ISP’s (for a variety of reasons) want to protect the in-boxes of their email recipients from SPAM and unwanted junk mail.  Ideally, they want to ha

5 Quick Tips To Overcome Subscriber Lethargy – Easy To Catch but Difficult To Cure

List Fatigue is the state of an email list that has gone stale. It produces less and less returns from mailings because the list members received either too many offers or the same offers, too many times List Fatigue members become disinterested, inactive, and disengaged. Combat this issue by: Regularly adding new (opted in) subscribers Re-energize you old list members with re-engagement tactics Keep your content interesting Send relevant messages using triggered email Compose your Subject Line with a goal in mind In conclusion: Do not fall into the trap believing that List Fatigue happens to someone else – it could happen to you. Be proactive, make one of your goals an established target list growth rate while decreasing the proportion of inactive subscribers. Contact Dundee Internet for more information. Create * Share * Grow “It worked flawlessly…. Thank you….! Rick History News

Email – Now that’s a complex subject.

Email is a complex process that relies greatly on, among other things, sender reputation , and valuable content, a degree of marketing talent, the right distribution platform and diligence to comply with ISP requirements such as authenticating your email messages. Email authentication is one-way to help your messages reach your target audience. It validates your email as being actually sent from your domain and IP address. When utilized, email authentication speeds up email identity for receiving ISP’s (i.e. AOL) as it streamlines the entire process automatically. Email Authentication Email authentication can be done by: I. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) An authentication standard developed as an anti-spam measure using email validation by confirming sender IP addresses. Using SPF, the return-path of an email is verified as passed (allowed) or failed (Not allowed possible forgery). Additionally SPF defines if the initiating or source email IP address is authorized to send mail