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From Our List to Your House – list hosting features to keep you happy all year, every year.

From Our List to Your House – list hosting features to keep you happy all year, every year. M ore Comprehensive Reporting and tracking capabilities E asy Content Creation R eactive and proactive flexibly control R eal time Powerful Campaign Capabilities Y our best choice for an ESP, Dundee Internet Services Inc . C ampaign automation and real-time messaging H TML templates or build your own with embedded tool R efer a friend, track opens, click- through and forwards I ntegrated analytics S et throttling T rack visitor behavior across websites and campaigns M ember Add Enhancements A utomate transactional messaging for one-to-one marketing in real time S eamless Integration with Enterprise Connectors  

What Route Does My Email Travel?

Email authentication procedures are designed to provide email senders a way to take responsibility for the email they send.  These procedures give the email recipients (receiving ISPs) ways to authenticate any senders email, such as email coming from an  Email Service Provider, as it provides a clear sender identity.  When such procedures are in place an email may take the following route before it is read. Travel Compose your email campaign Send your campaign The sending entity Identifies the recipient Processes the message Constructs the headers Sends your email to the recipients’, receiving mail serve The receiving Mail Server Processes the messages Authenticates the sender’s DNS entry using procedures such as DKIM Validates the incoming message that sender is authorized to send the message Processes the email using sender reputation, authentication and content filtering Delivers messages in the recipients in- box, junk mail, or just block

Quick Tips for Email Marketers, Land Here To Learn More

Quick Tips for Email Marketers, Land Here To Learn More Theoretically, in-coming campaigns, promotions and marketing emails are all about getting the right content in the right place and the right time.   If successful, you will have managed to create a positive avenue for your marketing activities and people will love to hear from you.  To Keep the love, avoid sending emails that are non-relevant, boring or annoying (what you again!).   Promote yourself as the solution to their problem by highlighting, emphasizing, and presenting the benefits of your service.   One way to do this is by using a landing page that is: Designed specifically for the one offer you are promoting.  Resist adding more deals to your landing page.  Keep the landing page simple because you want your visitor to do that one thing you want them to do: whether it is filling out a form, or buying a cookie. Inviting with compelling content that attracts attention with the benefits you emphasize.   T

Are there rules when you want to put your two cents in this Discussion List?

Are there rules when you want to put your two cents in this Discussion List? Posted by Patricia Rountree on September 25 th , 2013 Discussion Lists are based on a group of people of like interests, using email to “discuss” their interests among one another. They are online communities without boundaries. Unlike the traditional announcement list, the discussion list facilitates two-way communication among its members as members can read all posts to the list and can reply to the topic at hand. Internet etiquette for email discussion lists covers acceptable online behavior for group communication: from ones manners to one’s action.  In fact, members or subscribers of most discussion lists expect fellow members to follow some sort of standard set of rules, rules that have been established by the Internet Community and rules that have been established by the list they joined. Rules are in place to keep things orderly: the greater the number of   u

Pardon me; can you pass your email without all the trimmings?

On a properly configured discussion list an unsubscribe footer is always included; usually at the bottom of the post.   The unsubscribe footer is unique to each user and should never be included in a reply. Need to trim List members who are unaware of proper list etiquette may respond to a discussion list post by merely replying, inadvertently copying all the previous footers in the said discussion thread.  Therefore, the List Admin should educate their discussion list subscribers to trim their replies as a courtesy to the other subscribers.  In other words users should be trimming replies of extraneous text that is not relevant to the message topic…including the footer. Take the case of a list member who decided to unsubscribe herself from the discussion list she on.  She replied to the post  she was reading by asking how to unsubscribe from the list.  She either did not see the unsubscribe footer, did not trust it, or wanted everyone to know she wanted to leav

The Email Puzzle

Are you puzzled why Email marketing is still around? It’s not going away anytime soon because it’s an industry within itself. Think of what it’s produced: Email Service Providers (ESP) – in-house , onsite , 3 rd party Experts – in everything from deliverability and sender reputation, to content  placement College certificates and degrees E- books and white papers Webinars Reference materials Blogs Guidelines Rules and Regulations SPAMMERS and SPAM watchdogs and a host of other ancillary industries who offer services from  email appendage to whitelisting. There are email professionals, consultants, statisticians and guest speakers.  There’s online advertisers using banner ads and sponsorships while spending hundreds of dollars for ad placement with Google and Yahoo. There’s post card mailings and magazine ads and those who spend thousands of dollars on radio and TV commercials. Entire associations exist because of email marketing, such as MAAWG and The

Quick Tips For This Month Only; The First 50 People Reading This Email Marketing Blog Will Learn The Four Key Elements For Incoming Lead Generation.

Quick Tips for this month only, the first 50 people reading this email marketing blog will learn the four key elements for incoming lead generation. I got your attention!  You’re reading this!   That's great considering I only used two of the four key elements in my title.  Imagine the response I would get if I used all four key elements for incoming lead generation!   Imagine the response you would get by using all four key elements, which by the way are: Number 1 - The Offer; everyone likes an offer and the more valuable the offer the better the response.    Offers come in many forms, eBooks, coupons, demonstrations to free consultations and online webinars.     The best way to create seductive offers: 1.       Make your offer scarce – something that is available to a selective few. 2.       Limit the time (this week only) 3.       Limit the Quantity (only 20 seats left for the webinar) 4.       Limit the time and the Quantity (the first 50 people who resp

How Many YAHOO Email Subscribers Will You Lose?

In June, Yahoo announced their plans to recycle all of their inactive Yahoo ID’s (Yahoo email accounts) starting on July 15 th . If you have not logged into your Yahoo account for at least a year, and want to keep your Yahoo ID active, simply log into your Yahoo account by July 15 2013. Bounced mail in all forms July 15 2013  starts the 30-day end date, when theoretically: 1. All inactive Yahoo email accounts will hard bounce any email sent to them. 2. Yahoo will unsubscribe inactive accounts “ from commercial emails such as newsletters and email alerts.” 3. During this time you can sign up for an inactive Yahoo email ID, however you need to  wait until August 15 2013 the drop-dead date for completion, when, according to Yahoo, it will be revealed if you actually got the Yahoo ID you asked for. Rumor has it that recycling these inactive Yahoo accounts can lead to potential: 1. Mass identify thief:  My email back up on is a yahoo account, forw

You Can Lead a Subscriber to Water (often) but you Can’t Make Him Drink (or in this case open your email)

As an email marketer, do you walk that fine line of optimal sending frequency? Should you increase the rate of your email campaigns or should you send your email campaigns out less often?  Can you teach an old dog-new tricks , because, just like working with the dog,  the only way you're going to know if a sending frequency change works in your favor, is by trying it. When it comes to an increase in mailing frequency, do you believe having more is better and actually merrier ; or do you believe that having too much of a good thing is really a bad thing ? Can you teach an old dog new tricks? On the other hand, will any change in mailing frequency upset the apple cart ?  Will you be forgotten, out of sight out of mind , if you mail less? Will your newsletters be missed or will a decrease in mailings get your subscribers attention as absence makes the heart grow fonder , or does it? Should you increase your mailing frequency, hoping to  engage your subscribers more often?