Can You Really Trust a Address?
You are a subscriber to many mailing lists; in fact, your company requires you to be a member of one list in particular; that subscription is important. But you cannot read everything all the time. Most likely some of the lists you receive, you delete as soon as they hit your inbox because the Subject Line does not interest you. One or two lists you mark to read later and a few you open, scan through and make a quick determination if the information is relevant then file as necessary. Can you relate to that scenario? I can. Most mailing lists that you and I are subscribed too are as varied as you can get, but most seem to have something in common. If we have questions for the list author and hit reply, our reply is addressed to a email address. I know this isn’t true in all cases, but it is for most. Sometimes newsletters contain a title, person or general email address to send your comment or inquiry, very helpful and appreciated. Nevertheless, the donotreply@ a