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Showing posts from 2016

True Confessions Of A Non-profit

Is email marketing a good investment for non-profits.  No need to answer, it’s a rhetorical question.  The County Rescue Shelter has a fair amount of community supporters.  People are always donating blankets and food, but sometimes the shelter only needs money to help pay for upkeep, vet bills and medicine, items that blankets and food can’t buy. The shelter operates on a tight budget, and has discovered with the right email strategy in place, they do get the funding they need, courtesy of their email list members. The shelter has confessed,   email marketing has opened up the opportunity to nurture and build lasting relationships with their list subscribers. Email technology has allowed the shelter to send out information packed newsletters on a local level, and at times emergency emails, when a list member's dog or cat is missing.  As a benefit, list members become donors, followers and volunteers. With the right content and attitude the support is great a

Did Your Customer Pass The A B test?

Did Your Customer Pass The A B test? Posted by   Patricia   on November   14 th ,   2016 Whether you run a business, organization or nonprofit, you all flourish with repeat customers.  We all know email campaigns are the best cost effective way to cultivate your list members into repeat customers while attracting new ones.   Do you believe you are getting the most out of your mailings?   Are you satisfied with the outcome of your campaigns?     Do you always have an increase in ROI, conversions or a higher subscriber rate, because you test your emails, or are you one of the many senders that don’t test, and just hope that the results will be better every time you mail?     AB Test For those who take a back seat to testing,   it’s been shown, list owners who employ email A/B testing hit their goals more times than those who don’t. A/B  testing is easy , the hardest part maybe deciding what to test;  So how do you decide what to test?

Are You Satisfied With This Survey?

Are You Satisfied With This Survey? Posted by   Patricia   on October   28 th ,   2016 Polls or the more familiar surveys seems very popular this year. For myself I’ve taken several surveys in 2016,  from products to Presidents, with multiple choice answers to fill in the blank.  I believe our history with surveys is very extensive.  Like you, I recall taking surveys in school, at work, on the telephone, and most recently on my computer and smart phone. If you think about it, surveys date back to the Babylonian era, via the census, and they continue down to this day.  Surveys are as useful today as they were then, so why shouldn’t an email marketer survey list members- they should, To measure: Customer Satisfaction or dissatisfaction Who is thinking of unsubscribing (are they are looking at the competition?) Happiness. (What hosting features do they like, or dislike) Or To get specific answers To engage those “unresponsive” subscribers

Does This Email Campaign Make Me Look Fat?

There are many things to consider when someone writes copy for an email campaign, this includes but not limited to the Audience (grammar used and reading level), Subject Line, the introduction paragraph,   html or plain text or both , to the use of images, links or video inclusion.  All these different elements add to the length of your email. However, the length of an email should be reflective of the subject at hand.  For example, Mary, a normal subscriber to the Hand Lotion Newsletter, only expects and wants information on hand lotion.  She is interested in the content of the email when the Subject is: ‘Brands That Are Proven to Relieve Dry Skin”, and cares less about the subject “Free Moisturizes to Try.” Likewise, Ken also a subscriber, doesn’t really relate to the Hand Lotion Newsletter when the title is “Rose Scented Lotion”, but is interested in the subject “Save on Fragrance Free Natural Relief Lotion.” Both Mary and Ken are interested in content, Mary wants to lear

Email Marketing Trends of 2015 that Spilled Over to 2016

Predictions are like opinions, everyone has them.  How are the 2016 email marketing trends turning out for you this year?   We at Dundee Internet have found, this year, attention being placed on: Personalization , which is not limited to just saying “Hello Mr. Brown”.  Marketers are being more personal with: Dates : This includes sending an email for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations on their 365 th email campaign, Holidays, It’s been 6 months since you purchased your first Motorcycle to sending dated invitations to local events. History : More marketers send triggered emails based on the past actions of the customer: for example, “We are sending you this coupon because you buy our chocolate every Halloween.” Actions : Emails are constantly sent to increase ROI: “Mr. Brown, thank you for your recent purchase, do you need a carrying case for your new tablet?” Localization : Our Marketer’s use segments to send relevant, timely emails, to a specific zip codes, a c

Can You Please Rate This Email Strategy, Please?

How many email campaigns do you have going on at the same time?  Is Angie handling the weekly sales campaigns with at least 5 different segments per run, Nat is working on a   re-engagement     project with hopes to have it ready way before Thanksgiving, and you’re gearing up for the Christmas newsletter.  Does Angie, Nat and the rest of the team all plan the same, use the same mindset when it comes to content development and workflow optimization? Rating His Teams Email Strategy What is your email team’s production methodology?   Does your email strategy go something like this: The Plan The team starts off with a clear defined goal.  What type of call-to-action do you want your subscriber to take?  Who does this mailing go to?   How many A/B tests will be run?  How will it be measured in terms of success or failure? Assign Steps for Success Keep track of who does what and when it’s supposed to be done: keep the team on target to meet the deadlines. Who is responsible f

Do Not Be Hard On Your Soft Email Bounces

Are you one of those marketers that faithfully remove bounced email addresses from your members list?  OR are you that marketer than just cannot let go of that bounced address, adding it back into your list for future mailings?  After all, most bounced emails are the result of full mailboxes right?  Well actually no, most aren’t.  A full mailbox is easily identified by most ESP’s bounce reports.  Automation tools, like the ones built into (Lyris) Aurea ListManager, handles those types of bounces for you, in fact (Lyris) Aurea ListManager™ by default will handle all the error mail. If your ESP does not have full bounce automation, a bounce report in hand will allow you to manage your bounces manually, so you can maintain that great response rate you get after each campaign.   This is easy to do once you know the different type of email bounces and bounce categories, as follows: The Bounce Categories We can categorize email two ways: synchronous or asynchronous.  Synchr