“Email Marketers, You Need to Read This”
Email Marketing Best Practices B efore you send your first E mail; S tart, by T hinking of your marketing strategy. P rofile forms are an excellent way to identify with your audience. A profile form allows your subscriber to update their email preferences, so when you mail, the right message will reach the right target audience. R esist sending too much email, pay attention to who signed up for what information, and if offered on your profile form, how many times they want to hear from you. A sk yourself what are your email goals . Are you soliciting more website clicks, promoting a new product, distributing information that you expect will be shared, thereby growing your list? Is this a re-engagement campaign or are you just inviting someone to fill out their Profile Form? Whatever your goal is make sure you plan to deliver the right message at the right time. C ommunication doesn’t stop with email, follow up with Social Networks that complement your message. T