Easy Proven Strategies for BIG Fundraising Projects
A Capital Campaign is a targeted fundraising effort designed to raise funds for a specific project. They’re often used to support building projects or construction jobs; the type of effort that require multiple years and millions of dollars to complete. Do you have a specific project that your non-profit organization would like to complete; perhaps you’re adding an addition to your Church or need a new roof on all the out-buildings, regardless of the scope of work, such projects require time and money: A Capital Campaign maybe the way to go. Capital Campaigns have been on the rise these past several years, as more non-profits incorporate them into their fundraising strategies. These Campaigns can Kick-start an organization’s new enterprise Expand the funding for existing projects Assist with the acquisition of land for expansion Help with large-scale equipment purchases and/or needed supplies Capital Campaigns can be a very effective form of fundraising for massive pr