
Showing posts from December, 2018

Are You Really An Email Marketer Or Are You Forging This Email Address?

Are You Really An Email Marketer Or Are You Forging This Email Address? by  Pat  |  Nov 30, 2018  |  Announcement Lists ,  Email Marketing ,  Internet Marketing  |  0 comments how email authenticates Do you ever think about email security?  I suppose it depends where you are in the internet chain.  As the email marketer, your concerns are normally focused on  deliverability , ROI, content, opens, and so forth.  Most likely you probably leave email security to your employer, your IT department and your email hosting provider Those aforementioned entities have a shared security concern with a bigger community of companies and organizations:  Those include the  email abuse groups ,  the blacklist monitors  and ISP’s both big and small.  Why? –  because regardless of who and how you get online when you’re on the Internet, security, or lack of email security affects you one way or another. On a daily basis, we usually receive unwanted annoying messages that fill our inbox and Junk folder kn