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Showing posts from 2021

The Top 10 Reasons Your List Subscribers Are Inactive.

  “All email marketing lists contain a fair amount of inactive list subscribers to the point where inactive subscribers can make up the majority of a list.  Inactive subscribers are ones who seemly lost interest in your messages; taking no action on your emails as they have filtered your messages out of their virtual life.” The top ten reasons list subscribers become inactive include: They signed up for your free whitepaper, watched a webinar or downloaded a free guide.  To do any of these actions they are required to submit their email address, which you collect and add to your list.  Not a bad practice, most, if not all businesses grow their lists this way.  However, perhaps you may have forgotten to mention that their email address will receive future mailings from you: and when they do if they are like me, they will unsubscribe when they

Are You Hitting The Big 3 Email Marketing Objectives?

Regardless of this blog title, there are more than 3 email marketing objectives, and like everything else, some are more important than others. E mail marketing objectives can include: Building Brand Loyalty Establishing trust with your audience Forming Brand awareness Dispersing information Cultivating the interest in the product and or service to gain more customers Engaging customers to interact with your brand, product, or service Generating a pathway to turn prospects into customers with a call-to-action Developing a relationship with your members with, member profile pages Converting prospects to customers Encouraging more website visits or whatever your objective is when sending email campaigns.

How to turn those email campaign inbox lows into inbox highs

  The goal of every email marketer starts at the inbox.  The intended recipient receives your email message, they open it, follow the Call-for-Action cues and then, forwards the message to a friend.  When it’s perfect, it’s an inbox high: when the message doesn’t even reach the first step, it’s an inbox low. Email highs and lows are expected in this industry, and obviously the more inbox highs the better. To get an inbox high, your email marketing message must be delivered to the recipient as intended.  At times that can be a challenge, especially if you’re sending email campaigns from your own client such as Outlook.  Therefore, the first recommendation: send your campaigns through an ESPs (Email Service Providers) as they embrace the specific email  protocols so customers email campaigns can overcome inbox lows.  These protocols identify the email sender, to the computer receiving the email, that distributes the me

Many website designers, but you just need one.

There are many website designers and hosting companies on the internet. Some designers specialize in an industry, product or service, some do not. For example, you can hire a real estate only website design company, or one who specifically works with people who sell costume jewelry. You can find a web designer who works only with large industries, and another that only designs for small towns or villages. Does that make them the right design company for your project, company or nonprofit? The web design industry suggests the web designer should pick a subject to “specialize in”, and design for that arena only. That works for sales, when someone is looking for a designer who for example is an expert designing a website for golf courses: however this may limit the designers experience to a selected market. Ideally a web designer should have a background based on diversity and creativity: not a designer producing a cookie cutter like appearance for each site designed. Regard

Can internet devices skew your email opens?

  In 2013 Google, with the introduction of their ground-breaking Gmail Tabs said this is the answer to organization and inbox productivity for all Gmail users.  This change, google believes, allows Gmail users to focus on the “things that really matter and cut down on email search time.” This new idea seemed great to everyone except email marketers. Once Gmail Tabs were in place, as if overnight, Gmail user engagement declined, as delivered email was arriving to a tab that email recipients apparently didn’t use or see.  Gmail users considered their new “inbox” a tab call Primary; and few ventured to other tabs beyond that.  Consequently marketing newsletters were not opened or read, as Gmail automatically placed these emails under the Promotion tab, not the new “inbox”, Primary tab.    With a little education and experience, Gmail users became familiar with the tab system and newsletters once again were being rea

How did my website end up on the blacklist index?

  How did my website end up on the blacklist index? Did you know that Google maintains a website blacklist as it’s not just another search engine?   Google also offers other services to the internet community as well.     “Google LLC is an American technology company that specializes in internet related services and products” .   Google is committed to their users and as such they want to keep them safe when they use their services, therefore a Google website blacklist makes sense.   Most, if not everyone, who use the internet is familiar with the Google search bar.   It is one of the most popular search engines around, easy to use with instantaneous search results.   Users enter a search query and it returns the best results for that particular request. Imagine you are a web site owner of a WordPress website, testing search queries on Google for your product, “Dog Shoes”.   It’s a unique product, therefore the keywords you use on your websit

Are Bad Bots Inflating Your Email Marketing Reports?

  Recently a list owner discovered abnormalities, and inconsistencies, in several of their deliverability reports. Following an email campaign, most list owners review deliverability stats, compiling them into reports for the sales team, never giving second thoughts about bad bots.  The team relies on these reports to focus on extending campaigns that have the highest open rates.  Likewise, they reconsider the content and subject line for the lowest-performing segments.    When the numbers in these reports didn’t add up, they asked us to investigate.  This is what we found: When their mailings go out, several of the recipients appear to be “robots” or bad bots, that fetch the URLs that are presented in the email message.  They do this in parallel, using different IP addresses for each link request.  This is happening within a second or two, causing the clickthrough report to show thousands of clicks when it should only be in the low hundreds This is not a unique problem .  More and mo

Web hosting companies, the truth is in the search.

  Selecting a web hosting company appears to be an easy task.   When you google (as of this date) web hosting, Google reports back 7,410,000 results.   That is a mix of organic results (unpaid ads) and paid ads, which are strategically placed on each Google page.   If you spend 30 seconds on each listing that’s 222,300,000 seconds or 3,705,000 minutes, which is equivalent to 61,750 hours: close to 2,573 days and nights of nonstop reading: just 169 years. You’re not going to spend that much time choosing a company to host your website. When you’re in a hurry or indecisive you may select the first hosting company that shows up in your search that has tons of positive comments and unbelievable up-times, such as 99%.     99% up-time sounds great, but out of 365 days, that up-time is actually an estimated downtime of 87.6 hours.   Other features that look good include: Unlimited disk space . Unlimited bandwidth and a cornucopia of other unlimited features; The truth is “ Unlimited is