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A more significant measurement for email campaign performance

  Are you bored to tears with   click-through rates (CTR)   as your email campaign performance metric? Is it time to find something better, or different? Consider the click-to-open rate as an alternate metric, as it yields a greater, more noteworthy measurement for email campaign performance. (CTOR)  is simply the combination of email opens and click-through rates. CTRs and email opens are common email marketing benchmarks that provide quick and reasonably accurate snapshots of an email campaign's performance. Both are easy to use, however, limit the amount of information you can track. For example, the click-through rate is normally a metric that measures  email relevance , such as content, links, and images. It compares the number of unique clicks to the number of emails delivered. However, CTR does not measure the percentage of opens, which is calculated as the percentage of unique email messages opened in a delivered email campaign. Neither metric measures the success or failur

When your free email account is the cause of undelivered email

  Everyone seems to have a Gmail , Yahoo, or Hotmail account. Some people have all three and more. As an email marketer, list contributor, or active list member (one who contributes to a list), sending out email campaigns with a free email account may be the cause of undelivered email messages.  As you know, the FROM in an email message, identifies the sender by their email address. A list recipient may decide to open or trash the message just based on this information – who sent the message. Because of this, a business owner, email marketer or list owner, should use a custom domain address for their email marketing.  Even though Gmail is free, and works the same as , a Gmail account to represent a business appears unprofessional.   Most email marketers take advantage of the FROM address, with branding, by using a custom domain email address. Because free email accounts lack this distinct branding feature, it comes down to the recipient acceptin

You Too Can Experience Successful Email Delivery Using Optimization

Email content that looks great but doesn’t reach its intended recipients cannot be called a successful email delivery. In this anti-spam climate, it is necessary to optimize your messages to reach this goal. The goal of a successful email delivery starts with a great sending mechanism: either a dedicated software application or working with an Email Service Provider (ESP). Most ESP’s provide list management, saving administrative time for the email marketer by providing manageable subscriber information, including membership behavior, list organization, and subscriber verification . The next component for successful email delivery is creating complete and consistent email headers for sent messages. The important elements that the sender controls include the FROM, TO, and Subject fields. These fields are normally analyzed by the receiving mail servers, using automated anti-spam filters to protect individual email boxes from unwanted email. Email header fields need to be c

Can you scrub your email lists clean?

  Can you scrub your email lists clean? How often do you clean your email marketing lists? And why should you?  When you think about it, cleaning a list, is like cleaning your house. A clean house keeps the occupants healthy and happy, clean lists maintains healthy members and keeps you happy. Benefits of a clean list include: An increase in clickthrough’s and opens Less bounces Increase email savings Better conversion rates Truer reports A clean list (aka scrubbed list) is one that holds addresses of engaged subscribes, that are involved with your campaigns. Members open, read and act on your messages. However, lists, like a house must be maintained regularly to keep them clean.  Without a list scrub, you may never achieve the ROI you expect. When you clean your house, you remove unwanted items.  Similarly, when you clean your list you remove the clutter, the garbage the unwanted items which is comprised of inactive list members,  hard bounces  and unsubscribes; basically, those list

Is Your Landing Page Blocking Your Website Traffic?

What is an email campaign without a custom landing page? One that isn't success-oriented; a campaign that should emphasize its call-to-action . A call to action can be anything. When the main goal of your email campaign is to increase traffic to your website, why consider a landing page at all? A landing page would just be another step for your visitors to take, right? So, is your landing page blocking your website traffic? No, because landing pages are designed with a specific purpose, to convert visitors into leads, and increase web traffic. Keeping this in mind, you gain more traffic and conversions when your email campaign directs your subscribers to a landing page. The right landing page, a custom landing page can be a standalone page.  It can exist by itself as a gateway for your call-to-action. For the majority, if not all, of your email marketing campaigns, use landing pages. They can be deleted, modified, or replaced for each unique campaign because they are n

The 12 ways non-professional Email Marketers can increase email delivery

  You own a business, have few employees, long hours, and you use email marketing. You’re not getting paid as a professional email marketer, however like the company those professionals work for, you depend on the success of your email campaigns. You both have the same goal: successful inbox delivery with a shot of the message being read. Normally professional Email Marketers use strategy, creative technology, and charts. graphs, professional images, and a copywriter or two. Sole proprietors do not have the luxury of an email marketing team, and most likely, have a limited amount of time to work on their email campaigns. Therefore small business people who rely on themselves using tactics and these 12 suggestions that will increase the likelihood recipients will get and consider opening your messages Double opt-in subscription process. Research shows that many professional email marketers are wary of moving to a double opt-in process to co

How to Defend the Email Inbox

  everyone knows what email is, and most people, are also members of email lists too. Unfortunately, everyone also knows about SPAM, but not everyone knows how to defend the email inbox     In an effort to curtail  SPAM, the  CAN-SPAM act  2003, enacted by Congress, was passed to defend your email inbox.  That’s over 19 years ago, and no revisions.  It was and is an effective method to limit unwanted messages: but as a law, it did not address the technical obstacles and fundamental problems that remain; therefore, SPAM continues to be delivered to inboxes. SPAM, being annoying, misleading, and costly was the catalyst that spurred email authentication.  Email authentication is the process by which an ISP can verify the identity of the email sender. Email authentication started around 2004 with SPF.  This was developed in  response to SPAMMERS using forged emai l addresses (also known as spoofing) to get their messages delivered. Today, SPF continues to be one way to defend the email inb