Improve email delivery with A/B Testing
Improve email delivery with A/B Testing As email marketers, we want to send messages that connect with our audience and drive them to the desired actions. However, the competition for audience attention in the inbox is challenging. That’s where A/B testing comes in. A/B testing is a powerful way to improve the performance of your email campaigns. By comparing numerous versions of a message, you can understand what resonates with your audiences and craft stronger future campaigns. A LWAYS start with a simple test. Keep yourself from being indurated with questionable results by A/B testing one element at a time . B EST time to test may be the same time and day. Verify you’re testing at the same time and day of the week to control for any fluctuations in engagement that may occur due to external factors. T RACK each test, and keep detailed records. Keep track of all your A/B tests so that you can analyze the results over time and see any trends. E ACH test should be large enough to p