
Showing posts from August, 2023

Website Design Etiquette with WordPress

  Title: "Website Design Etiquette with WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide to Ethical Design Practices" The concept of design etiquette in WordPress The importance of ethical design practices : Design etiquette in WordPress is about crafting digital experiences that respect the user's needs, preferences, and values. It's about aesthetics that create a harmonious balance between functionality, usability, and ethics. The golden rules of ethical web design : Ethical designed websites offer a welcoming environment that builds relationships to promote trust, and integrity for website users.  It is the practice of conveying information in a manner that's honest, transparent, and not misleading. It's about respecting the user's intelligence and providing them with clear and accurate information. Clear and accurate information is a must in a world filled with misinformation and is essential for building lasting relationships with users. How it applies to W

Social Media vs. Email Marketing: A Quick Guide to Digital Engagement

  I am a widow. My husband retired from the Air Force, was a photographer, a race car driver, a DJ, a Biker, a business owner, and Deadhead. Among the items left behind are tee shirts and other paraphernalia that may or may not be valued. Because I have so many tee shirts, more than 100 at last count, I decided to sell some of these online. So, the question is, do I sell on social media or use a website and email? It comes down to social media vs. email marketing. Conveniently, my grandson, whose real middle name is Mischief, started a website, but never finished. So, I decided to use his website  as mine, change things up a bit, and open a store on  Facebook  too. I quickly learn that a  Facebook store setup  is not for the faint of heart if you are new at this sort of thing. I found it to be a pain in the butt. It constantly needs to be tweaked, edited, updated, and looked after. This may only be true for me, as I only dedicate an hour a day to this en