Holiday Email Marketing Tips for Nonprofits for multiple List users under One Domain
The holiday season is a crucial time for nonprofit organizations to connect with supporters, donors, and volunteers. This creates the need to manage and communicate with several groups . Groups such as donors, event attendees, and volunteers need to hear from you, and email is the easiest way to connect with them. Segmenting email lists into specific groups (for example) or paying for several different lists is a drain on needed resources. The ability to create lists on the fly, both for announcement and discussions , is the ideal solution. Dundee Internet offers Virtual List Hosting which allows your organization to create unlimited lists, when you need them. All list types are supported, newsletters, discussions and announcements We keep communication organized and professional. Here’s a streamlined guide to holiday email success using virtual list hosting: Segment with Purpose : Use virtual list hosting to create separate lists for major donor groups, regular support