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Showing posts from 2011

Do Trigger Clauses Deliver?

Yes they do! They can be a phrase in an email that may specify a given date or event, that when occurs, will cause a mailing to be automatically sent. Triggered mailings are used in conjunction with some action performed by an email recipient such as a visit to a website or a purchase. At the time the specific action is performed, such as a purchase of (i.e.) a green hat on a Haberdashery website, this action triggers a specific email that is then sent to that recipient such as Thank you for purchasing our Green Hat. Tirggers can also be dates such as a birthday, the date they joined or list and so forth. Triggered mailings run on a schedule. Normally, this is once per day, but could be as often as once per hour, or as infrequently as every month or so. You specifythe exact time of day when it runs. Each time the triggered mailing runs, it works the same way as any other mailing to a segment. It first calculates which members meet the criteria specified in the segment, and

Is Everyone You Want to Reach on Your Email List? – Probably not

Do you believe that email is the best marketing vehicle around? Are you certain? Sure, email isn’t entirely infallible; it has its disadvantages, but so does every other marketing channel, including Facebook and Twitter. Consider the Disadvantages of email marketing: Is everyone you want to reach on your email list? – Probably not and then you find that, 1. Some email goes unopened. Do you open all your email? 2. There are deliverability issues: Tar Pitting , Spam Traps , stale addresses etc. At one time or another, you will have deliverability problems . 3. There are creativity limitations of the email marketer or how many ways can you say, “This offer expires soon”. 4. There may be size restrictions set by your recipients in their email client (i.e. Outlook): no graphics allowed. Do you download all emailed html and graphics on your home computer? 5. Your list members have different communication preferences. Have you wished your favorite email newsletter only containe

List Fatigue: An Email List that has gone Stale

Email marketing is not rocket science but to some it is a science just the same.  You may make one change in your mailings and as expected (Or not) your overall results change.  If you’re working with numbers and formulas and testing with list segments, you might just come up with a mailing routine that, one day elicits soaring conversion rates, higher than you ever expected AND your facebook© “likes” double with your Internet sales hitting new numbers.  Exciting for you-Exciting for your company.  You might think, if only we can get these results more often, and conclude, maybe I should mail more often, so you do. When you send email marketing campaigns more often, and get good results its encouragement to send again and again, usually between shorter intervals, until finally your list goes over the “just right point”  and reaches the exhaustion point, the point between under mailing an over mailing.  When you reach the exhaustion point, your conversation rates start go

Are you Split over Email Testing?

Did you pass your email test? Lately, does it seem your email marketing campaigns bring in lower conversion rates than expected, or are the results better than average - do you really know what the average is?.   At times, do you notice a sharp increase in clickthroughs followed by lower conversion rates or do you get another unexpected outcome?   Should you expect consistent results with every email campaign? How would you know what to expect without running some sort of test before you send. Did you know, statistically speaking, routine email testing is only used by a little more than half of the total number of all   US based email marketers.   If you are in the group that doesn’t test, how can you optimize email conversions rates without email testing?   Chances are you can’t. If you’re not getting optimal conversion rates, look at all those marketers who routinely test their emails.   Did you know, by testing, the numbers indicate they have seen noted improvement in all areas of e

Should You Take an Email Test Before You Send?

Should You Take an Email Test Before You Send? Should You Take an Email Test Before You Send? By Patricia Rountree Always  test your email messages   BEFORE you hit that send button.  Here are 6 areas to check: Appearance – Colors, graphics and formatting. Subject Line – Verify spelling, check for Spammy words. Links – Validate internal and external links. Do they go to the correct URL? Readability – Review spelling and grammar.  Consider the reading level of your audience. Content – Is your content interesting, relevant and factual? Correctness – Confirm your dynamic content elements, such as fill-ins from actual records. In conclusion, always test your messages. Your newsletters represent you as the impression you make may be the difference between a loyal subscriber or a quick unsubscribe. “As a customer for the past (several)  years, not only has Dundee Internet Services hosted our website with email services, they have saved us considerable money in the process

Can you manage your Sender Reputation?

IP Issues Spam Complaints Invalid Addresses Sender Authentication Content Take our Sender Reputation quiz at :   Sender Quiz Trust your email campaigns with us based on our: Firm Sender Reputation A no-spam policy that we actually stick to 15 years of list hosting & mangement experience “By far the best service around , they’re always in…and you can speak to the owner!”   – J.M.  Womens Sport Magazine CREATE * SHARE * GROW

Are you only as Good as your Reputation?

Are you only as Good as your Reputation? It could be said that the best email practices should  give you the best sender reputation therefore some things to pay attention may include: Spam complaints from recipients – Are you generating too many complaints for email you’re sending? It’s interesting to note that some subscribers may not remember signing up for your list, especially if you mail once in a blue moon. Then again, if you mail to often your email will probably end up in the trash, or the recipient will just hit the SPAM button rather than unsubscribe from your list. To prevent this you should, Offer a profile page, allow your recipients to tell you their mailing preferences. Include an easy way to unsubscribe from your newsletters: test the unsubscribe mechanism you’re using to make sure it actually works. Remove those addresses that want to be removed. Consider asking the potential unsubscribed member, if they would like to place their account on hold,( instead o

A Bad Senders Reputation can Derail any Email Campaign as Quickly as you Hit Send.

Everyone has a reputation, some better than others.  People may think of you as being sweet and innocent or naïve or just a follower, when in fact you’re actually shrewd and an innovator.  Unless “they” really know the real you, the phrase “your reputation precedes you” is all “they” may have to go by.  In reality, you may have a bad reputation on the street, but you’re really a sweetheart at home.  How do you get a reputation? – By your actions and how others interpret them. Everything we say and do adds to our reputation, including the products and services we use: which in themselves have their own reputation.  The reputation of products and services are usually based on other people’s experiences, which translate into likes and dislikes.  We have all read good reviews and opinions and have seen warnings to “stay clear of this product”, all of which can affect sales and future profits of some company.  Email marketing is no different, and like it or not, as a list owner your email

4 ways to Find the Optimal Time to Send out your Email Campaigns

Get to know your subscriber with an easy to access profile page.  Ask them when and how often they would like to receive your messages:  Monday? once a week, twice a week etc. Send email between the hours when the majority of your list members signed up. Segment your list with the right demographics; pay attention to the different time zones:  East Coast, West Coast, overseas?  Plan to send when they most likely will be there-which may not be Friday afternoon.  “By far the best service around, they’re always in ….and you can speak to the owner!”   - J.M  Women Sport magazine Email Hosting Solutions with Dundee Internet and Lyris ListManager™ CREATE – SHARE – GROW How successful are you using Profile Pages for your list subscribers?

The Perfect Engagement: Facebook and Email Marketing

Social media offers the email marketer a way to leverage different communication channels. With email marketing and social media options, subscribers can customize their preferences to receive your company’s information using the format they choose: i.e. a combination of Twitter Alerts with your monthly newsletter. Email marketing with social media will increase interest in your product and /or services because your customers can select the information venue they want and use the most. Additionally social media sites like Facebook (FB) have become an excellent source for organizations to grow their opted-in email list. Facebook offers hundreds of applications specifically designed to help business owners connect with each Facebook page guest. Facebook visitors who land on your FB business page, depending on the tools you use, can connect with your company by leaving their comments, their opinions and experiences. In turn, you can encourage them to join your mailing list, with coupons,

Email; simple yet powerful enough to maximize the benefits of marketing

Is there something simple, yet powerful enough to maximize the benefits of personalized marketing? Yes, Email marketing, the clear choice, made easy with Dundee Internet List Hosting Services . Create an email-marketing program that operates both as a member acquisition method and member loyalty plan. Share by integrating social links into your email campaign that simply allow your list recipients to share your newsletters and brand with their friends and social network contacts Grow your list with targeted personalized emails. Email Hosting Solutions with Dundee Internet and Lyris ListManager™ “well, the list has been a success: the Executive Director is ready to add a second list”  -Douglas P., webmaster, Women’s Dermatologic Society.

3 reasons to use an ESP when your newly redesigned website stalls

Have you redesigned your web site with a renewed focus on e-commerce to increase your ROI? –  But that doesn’t seem to be happening. In fact, web traffic is down and purchases are way below par. The solution, use an ESP like Dundee Internet List hosting services to provide you with the tools you need to  connect with your customers on a regular basis.  Tools that will: Improve your click-through rates, increase your ROI Achieve a higher customer retention rate by sending targeted, personalized emails Protect email deliverability by managing feedback loops, ISP blocks and bandwidth issues. Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager ™ hosting solutions: CREATE – SHARE – GROW Ask about our multiple list owner packages.  It’s like having your own email list in-house server  “Well, the list has been a success; the Executive Director is ready to add a second list” Douglas P., Webmaster, Women’s Dermatologic Society

8 Must have Features for Your Discussion List

Most discussion lists take the form of an online community of people brought together to discuss specific topics of interest.  Discussion lists normally have several options, such as moderated list to digests options.  Here are 8 features that your discussion list service provider  should include:   Web interface for your members Membership security Fast text searching for all archives Multi-lingual Universal list server commands No Spam Supports several moderating models Create unlimited number of lists on the fly- billed for one service “What can I say about Dundee Internet Services list hosting: “Thank you for your tremendous work in helping us keep with the times and get our mailing lists streamlined and running more efficiently.  It’s always a pleasure working with your responsive and pleasant team!” Webmaster, Public Service Organization Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager ™ hosting solutions: CREATE – SHARE – GROW

Email Marketing Content that Begs to be Read!

As you mail to your list and review your graphics, analyze the opens, forwards and bounces have you noticed, even with your most active list subscribers, there is a growing trend of unresponsive list members; less email is being opened which can really hamper your email campaign success.  Are you thinking about revamping your entire email program as a remedy?  Do you really know why your list has declining “Opens” or are you satisfied just to get the “Opens” you have?  Rather than settle lets investigate probable causes of unresponsive list members and find a solution to keep your “Opens” growing. First, rule out your controllable factors: An attention grabbling subject line Using a familiar FROM address Mailing frequency and scheduling Segmentation Triggered mailings As you know controls are not enough, as received email still gets trashed or worse yet saved to be read later, but later never comes. The fact is there is a direct correlation between subscriber engagement and rel

4 Quick Tips to make 2011 your best Email Marketing year using cost effective, convenient, timely, trackable Email Coupons

1. Eliminate your excess inventory and manage your seasonal lows. 2. Increase your bottom line with add-on sale coupons that up-sell and cross-sell to your existing customers. 3. Offer an incentive toward future purchases: turn those onetime buyers around to shop now or use your service again. 4. Send personalized discounts with a “refer a friend” link; your offer will be shared within the social network arena, attracting new prospects and customers. Visit to sign up for our new email campaign program. Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager ™ hosting solutions: CREATE – SHARE – GROW

Lost a list member? Keep a list member with these 5 quick tips

1. Your newsletter content is irrelevant - craft a Welcome Letter that sets your readers epectations and stick to it. 2. You email too often - Keep to a mailing schedule. Review the subscriber preferences they selected when opting in – how often do they want to hear from you? 3. There are concerns how you will handle their private information– Post a privacy policy on your web site and link to it in the footer of your newsletter. 4. Your list member do not recall signing up for your list – If you send email once in a blue moon subscribers will forget you. Remind members that they are subscribed to your list by regularly requesting a profile update. 5. Your subscribers don’t know who you are – Use the same “from address” in every mailing, you’ll get immediate recognition. What can I say about Dundee Internet E-Mail List hosting ? "Thank you Dundee!" President, Thorne Bay Bus

The 3 Keys to keep your Newsletter on Track for Success for your Entire Organization

The bigger the organization the greater the need to create a consistent email marketing plan. Consider a marketing strategy that maintains credibility and audience interest while targeting different groups and people from different factions of the same entity. It’s easy with an ESP like Dundee Internet “mailing-list” Services Inc., for individual list management and maintenance under one corporate umbrella. 1.Keep the same voice for all newsletters for all subscribers. You’ll find by being consistent with overall marketing strategies you will maintain credibility with your audience across the board. Selling hats? Individual departments that need to create individual newsletters should come from the same entity. i.e. ballcap list from .thehatcompany and tophat list from thehatcompany instead of theballcap list from ballcapdepartement or the tophat list from the tophatlist. 2.Keep the audience interested. Keep your Organization organized and eliminate multiple emails sent to

4 Quick Tips to consider when sending email with Dundee Internet “mailing list” Services.

1. Personalize your greet with mail merge and conditional content. 2. Include a survey in your mailings, collect useful feedback and suggestions. 3. Follow the results of your newsletter with “Refer a Friend” functionality and tracking. 4. Use email automation to setup your list welcome program. What can I say about Dundee Internet Services , “I am now able to see which customers are opening their emails, and see how quickly they are opening the mails. Since using your service my sales for December over last December are almost three fold (actually 299.0%) through today-and we still have another 6 days to go for the month)!”. Wally President of BR Inc.

Will Email Coupons Discount my Email Marketing Campaigns?

Why you should sell your products and services using emailed coupons  Email coupons are wonderful; you can track their distribution right to the individual email recipient shopper (consumer), follow that shopper to your website, and “see” the coupon being used as detailed in your daily reports.   You can tell if your recipient passed the coupon savings along to their friends via email, and of course, the great deal you emailed them will appear on some social network, which will prompt more website traffic for you.  Remember, everyone likes a deal, and that’s exactly what coupons offer.   There’s a certain shopper satisfaction in saving money; getting the lower price, finding the sale that your neighbor didn’t. People enjoy using coupons.   Coupons offer buying power and for some who hate to see a sale slip by and a commitment to buy because “it’s a good deal” and it came directly to them.  With email coupons you can offer these good deals too many or to a select few.   In addit

Be Sociable with Email Marketing 6 QUICK TIPS

Not using Social Networking with your Email Campaigns?  You should, because, with the right set of email tools Social Networking can: Increase your exposure in the marketplace Identify new prospects and markets with click-through tracking Discover what offers and brands motivate your email recipients, so they share who you are and what you stand for. Create a cohesive bond between your marketing communications for both your list recipients and future list subscribers. Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager™ hosting solutions :  LEARN, SHARE and GROW.