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Showing posts from 2014

EXTRA – EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT “Email Service Provider Just Fired Their Number 1 Customer”

As  email  became  the marketing tool of this century , I often thought my fellow ESP’s (Email Service Providers) would benefit from a customer Black List.  Most  ESP’s, including  Dundee Internet ,  vett prospects before we put our reputation on the line, so to speak; a customer Black List would make that process a whole lot easier. With an industry specific Black List, we could know all about our new potential customers:those that didn’t pay their bills, reversed credit card payments or worst yet are SPAMMERS.  But the SPAMMER of yesterday, with proper education and mailing experience, could become the exemplary mailer of today, so a Black List might not have been a good idea after all – but vetting prospects, it seems, will never go away. While we all take care of whom we let use our list hosting services, on occasion we actually find ourselves firing customers, even customers who passed the vetting process. fired These customers, unfortunately, are usually good paying

The Holiday Season Email Marketing Challenge Is Here*

What type of challenges will you face this season? Delivering the right message at the right time? Will unsubscribes be your top concern? Are your subscribers even reading your newsletters? Divert the challenges of the season using Lifecycle emails . Start by classifying the subscribers of your current email campaigns into different Lifecycle categories: Engaged customers – they love your emails’ Potential or interested customers – they’re promising but not on board yet Disinterested or lethargic customers – For the most part, they have lost interest in you. Using specific categories will give you a better understanding of the mindset of your customers and allow you to tailor your campaigns accordingly.  It’s a known fact that Lifecycle emails outdo traditional group email marketing, because Lifecycle emails allows the marketer to send the right message at the right time, increasing the probability of recipient engagement. Subscriber engagement is effected by industry d

Is Your Discussion List On All The Popular Search Engines?

Is Your Discussion List On All The Popular Search Engines? Why use Dundee Internet discussion list hosing instead of Facebook, twitter, Goggle Groups and other social media channels? Because using Dundee Internet discussion list hosting : No one needs to remember to go to a webpage and search for the conversations Search For Me Members can make comments and contributions that are truly private Posts are not parsed and severed up as ads (like Google and Yahoo Groups) Contents are not stored on 1000’s search engines The List owner will have better control of who see posts Our system prevents Spammers from posting Users can read and reply to posts at their leisure List members can have searchable web archives Personal information is safe, as we do not sell membership data There is no popups We never track email messages to see if they are opened Copyright claims on your messages   “I like the personal touch that Dundee Internet Services list hosting gives me


Sending SPAM for profit is a big business.   SPAMMERS are notorious for getting their messages out no matter what the cost. They hop from ESP to ESP – burning bridges as they go.  They are known to recruit anyone they can with a computer to send their SPAM for them.  Haven’t you seen the offers to send mass email from your home computer for cash?  This makes YOU a SPAMMER, which in the end, will get you kicked off your ISP. Spammers know,  not everyone is interested in the promise of Enhanced Sexual Prowess and the Secret to Eternal Life.  Spammers think, what’s the big deal, it’s only email, and the recipient can easily delete unwanted messages or filter them out as junk mail.  Even so, some SPAMMER try to stay “legal” by including a PO BOX or physical address and an unsubscribe link (working or not) in their messages – but that does not change the questionable, unwanted junk emails they send. We get it; the bottom line, Spammers do not care if it is right or wrong, unwanted and u

The Technicalities of Email Marketing

The Technicalities of Email Marketing Posted by Patricia Rountree on August 20 th , 2014 On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rank your email campaigns? Do you believe they are in the top ten and should have an excellent rating or do you rank them on the bottom of the scale, poorly rated with only a sometime average ranking? It’s interesting to note that according to online sources only %5 of email marketers give themselves an excellent rating while most fall in the average or poor category. Mail is complicated. If you’re in the majority (average or poor) do you rate your campaigns lower because of the responses you get are not what you expected. Even if you use all the information available on how to compose and send a killer email campaign, a low response rate could be caused by something as simple as overlooking the technicalities’ of email marketing. The technicalities of email marketing are just a matter of paying attention to detail wi

Email Quick Tips on Higher Open Rates

Did you know Transactional Emails have a higher open rate than Marketing Emails? Dundee Internet Email List Hosting is the path to A-mazing Email Campaigns. - See more at: Did you know Transactional Emails have a higher open rate than Marketing Emails? Dundee Internet Email List Hosting is the path to A-mazing Email Campaigns. Dundee Internet Lyris List Hosting Solutions      Mail * Share * Grow "This is the best thing that we could have used.  We get fantastic service!" Suzanne K at Wellesley College Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager Hosting Solutions :   Mail * Share * Grow - See more at: Ineter  Lysri  Dundee Internet Lyris ListManager Hosting Solutions :   Mail * Share * Grow - See more at:

Have you heard? AOL recently changed their email acceptance policy – and it could affect you!

Dear Dundee Internet, What’s “uncategorized failure” all about? My posts– or, it seems, posts from anyone else using AOL–aren’t appearing in my inbox and weren’t yesterday. What’s up? Thanks for your assistance, Mr. Edwards ———————- Dear Mr. Edwards, It appears that AOL has followed Yahoo’s lead and has implemented a DMARC p=reject policy. This breaks all mailing lists worldwide for anyone using a, and now, From: addresses. See AOL, in the article above, recommends changing the list parameters like this: “For mailing lists, also known as listservs, we recommend configuring reply behavior to fill the From line with the mailing lists address rather than the sender’s and put the actual user / sender address into the Reply-To: line. …” Dundee Internet Support. Need to know more? Contact Us What do you think? Comments welcomed

Have you heard? Yahoo recently changed their email acceptance policy – and it could affect you!

Yahoo recently changed their email acceptance policy to combat network attacks against their users from bad people using a addresses that are not sent via a server. Yahoo’s decision to reject this class of email fixes their problem but breaks everyone else who sends legitimate email via an Email Service Provider (ESP). Yahoo has been fighting ongoing phishing attacks for a long time. These attacks attempt to compromise legitimate yahoo user accounts. Once compromised the hacker can then send SPAM and phishing emails to the members of the contact list of the compromised account. Ever receive email FROM: ( containing a link and a message that encourages you to click on it? Just another phishing attempt. Yahoo has control over their own computers but not others. Even though Yahoo has curtailed SPAM and phishing emails oozing out of their servers, hackers seem to always find a way, as they figured out how to continue to send email FROM: anbod

Transactional Emails, This One’s For You.

A  Transactional email ,  is defined as an email sent in response to an action such as “Thank You For Your Purchase” when a purchase has been made.  A Transactional email, normally sent automatically (e.g. triggered email based on the action taken by the customer) contains information relevant for only that customer.  Sending a Welcome Letter when someone joins your marketing list or an order confirmation with items and shipping details are two examples of transactional emails. According to several studies  transactional emails (triggered emails)  have a higher open rate than marketing emails.  This makes sense, as transaction emails are not intrusive, but rather valuable not only to the recipient but also to the email marketer.  The recipient receives a personalized email with information just for them, while the marketer takes a step toward building a trustworthy relationship with that recipient. When using Transaction Emails: Be consistent.  Use the same F

Unsubscribes Happen

Does your Marketing email contain the same message over and over again, sending to the same list of people, over and over again?  Most likely, your message changes, with fresh content and the right call to action, ideally the call to action will get the right response from your list subscribers. The right response doesn’t include unsubscribing, but unsubscribes happen. You can’t stop them so why make it difficult when someone is saying “I want off you list”. Most people will generally opt-out of permission email for the same reasons: You send too often Your recipient wants to receive your newsletter at a different email address.  The only way they know how to do this is unsubscribe with their current address and opt-in with their new email address. Your Messages Lack relevance What is the best way to allow someone to unsubscribe? Maybe you don’t have to.  Offer a preference page as an option to unsubscribing.  If your subscriber simply wants to change their e

Unsubscribe Compliance Rules for Email Senders

Oh no, it’s you again. In the past month, didn’t I unsubscribe from your newsletter at least 3 times.  What a pain: you keep coming back.  I really did follow the unsubscribe instructions that were buried in your newsletter:  I even received a confirmation that said I was off your list and here you are again, in my in-box!  This time I have permanently filtered all messages from your domain to my junk folder.  And please be reassured that I never will read or visit anything concerning your products or services again. Better yet, I’m going to report you to the FTC for violation of the CAN SPAM Act, and with social media, pester me again and you will find out what the power of social media really means. Have you felt that way – just one too many SPAM messages in the in-box.  Who is sending that stuff anyway? Like yourself, the proficient email marketer knows that you actually opted-in to their newsletter but they remove your email address when you unsubscribe – and some r