Have you heard? AOL recently changed their email acceptance policy – and it could affect you!

Dear Dundee Internet,

What’s “uncategorized failure” all about? My posts– or, it seems, posts from anyone else using AOL–aren’t appearing in my inbox and weren’t yesterday. What’s up?

Thanks for your assistance,
Mr. Edwards

What's this about my FROM: @aol address?

Dear Mr. Edwards,

It appears that AOL has followed Yahoo’s lead and has implemented a DMARC p=reject policy. This breaks all mailing lists worldwide for anyone using a yahoo.com, and now aol.com, From: addresses.

See http://postmaster-blog.aol.com/2014/04/22/aol-mail-updates-dmarc-policy-to-reject/

AOL, in the article above, recommends changing the list parameters like this:

“For mailing lists, also known as listservs, we recommend configuring reply behavior to fill the From line with the mailing lists address rather than the sender’s and put the actual user / sender address into the Reply-To: line. …”

Dundee Internet Support.

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