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Showing posts from 2015

12 Secrets of Email Marketing You Need to Use

12 Secrets of Email Marketing You Need to Use Have you noticed the volume of monthly emails you receive from your favorite retailer have increased significantly just after Halloween?  As retailers step up their game in anticipation of Holiday sales,  their one email a week/month has turned  into two or three. Internet statistics support this growth worldwide,  reporting that early season marketing emails have increased over 70% compared to last year.  So far, open rates remain fairly stable indicating subscribers of all types of retail newsletters continue to accept this increase with open arms. If you’re in the retail email marketing race because the majority of your sales occur in November and December you’re not alone. There’s plenty of competition and the email marketers who captures the subscribers eye and wallet, wins. So, how do you stand out??   Let me show you how. . . Holiday emails are not equal, and timing is everything.   Start your campaigns at th

Is this puppy REALLY from the IRS… that’s what his credentials say.

The Dundee Internet Mailing list servers work exclusively with email.  You can personalize your messages by including the list members name along with their email address and use other profile information as needed but the mail is delivered using an email address. Email addresses are normally the basis for online communication, used by almost everyone, everywhere. They are prolific by nature but also disposable, forgotten and changed, inviting fraud and can be vulnerable to attack by unscrupulous individuals. To keep your list of addresses safe Dundee Internet Services, Inc., takes all the maximum measures we can to assure the security of each and every email address in each and every list we host on our servers.  Nevertheless email addresses travel outside the realm of our servers as email is a tool that your customers, including yourself probably use every day. Email therefore is indispensable, especially to the digital marketer. This type of marketing has a positive impact

I’m Subscribed to a Cat Lover’s List But All I Get Is Dog Food.

The numbers are typically against you. According to most online sources, each year you will only keep 70% of your subscriber base, while the other 30% will change their email address or just stop checking it altogether. Welcome to List Churn, notorious for list devastation and one of the many causes of: Lower Deliverability Decreased Click-Throughs Open Rate Shrinkage And general bad overall performance rates. List Churn is expensive.  Because, you’ll want to replace those lost (30%) email addresses. And normally, you do that with acquisition campaigns, which costs time and money. Can you stop List Churn in its tracks?  Probably not, because; People like to move, travel and experience. They may change their Hotmail for a Gmail email address or change jobs that offer a company email. Whatever the case may be at some point the email address you have for these estimated 30% of subscribers becomes invalid. It’s not them, but maybe it’s you. You’re sending too many emails or

How To Increase Email Campaign Engagement in 4 Ways, Even if Your Subscribers Are Finicky.

Email is a marketing phenomenon.  It’s uncommon to find someone who hasn’t joined an email list at least once in their lifetime: even those in their 80s and beyond. And in our lifetime, undoubtedly, email marketing is historic in itself.  The amount of subscribers worldwide is astronomical, the number and types of mailing lists are uncountable which, in the long- run, can be a real problem for email marketers.  Why? Because, as more competitors’ join the email marketing bandwagon the odds are your “open rates” will decline. You agree, that there is only so much a person can and will read.  Depending on how many lists your subscriber actually subscribes too, your email messages may be in endless competition for reader attention.  You may find out the local Pizza joint, who emails weekly coupons has better open rates than your special email coupon of the week-or-your biggest competitors newsletter always gets a second read while your newsletter is deleted.   What can you do?  T

5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List, Easier Than Riding a Motorcycle.

Email marketing is atypical from most marketing channels.  In an ideal world email does not invade a person’s universe unless invited.  (Exclude the Spammers )  Email is unique, with its best feature being the ability to send “information” to people who are actually interested in that “information”, at a time they are interested in it.  Not true for those other s advertising avenues known as mass media. Mass media advertisers want everybody as an audience with the goal to increase consumption of their products and services.  Mass media, (TV, radio and other innocuous vehicles such as newspapers, magazines and some social media) doesn’t care who their messages reach as long as they do. Email is so much different, it’s based on an audience that is opt-in to the message of the list. An email group solely interested in motorcycles maybe more receptive to an ad from Progressive Insurance (as a list sponsor) then contacting Progressive after watching a Progressive ad unfold on TV. 

Can You Really Trust a Address?

You are a subscriber to many mailing lists; in fact, your company requires you to be a member of one list in particular; that subscription is important. But you cannot read everything all the time. Most likely some of the lists you receive, you delete as soon as they hit your inbox because the Subject Line does not interest you. One or two lists you mark to read later and a few you open, scan through and make a quick determination if the information is relevant then file as necessary. Can you relate to that scenario? I can. Most mailing lists that you and I are subscribed too are as varied as you can get, but most seem to have something in common. If we have questions for the list author and hit reply, our reply is addressed to a email address. I know this isn’t true in all cases, but it is for most. Sometimes newsletters contain a title, person or general email address to send your comment or inquiry, very helpful and appreciated. Nevertheless, the donotreply@ a

Full Time Opportunity for Nonprofit Organizations

Dundee Internet Services, Inc. (DBA, located in Southeast Michigan is seeking Non Profit Organizations with the desire to take control of their email marking. Candidates should be registered as a 501(c)3 whose leaders believe that their mission would benefit from using an email list hosting company. No experience necessary.  Applicants should: _Have a need to share news of achievements and goals with current supporters. _Be committed to engage list members with news and organization updates. _ Want to offer all their internal departments the ability to take control of their own email list and members. -Need to keep members in touch, regardless of their location.  _ Have a desire to dramatically improve efficiency with email list management online tools.  _Always want to save money and tim e.