12 Secrets of Email Marketing You Need to Use

12 Secrets of Email Marketing You Need to Use

Have you noticed the volume of monthly emails you receive from your
favorite retailer have increased significantly just after Halloween?  As
retailers step up their game in anticipation of Holiday sales,  their
one email a week/month has turned  into two or three.

statistics support this growth worldwide,  reporting that early season
marketing emails have increased over 70% compared to last year.  So far,
open rates remain fairly stable indicating subscribers of all types of
retail newsletters continue to accept this increase with open arms.

you’re in the retail email marketing race because the majority of your
sales occur in November and December you’re not alone. There’s plenty of
competition and the email marketers who captures the subscribers eye
and wallet, wins.download

So, how do you stand out??   Let me show you how. . .

  1. Holiday
    emails are not equal, and timing is everything.   Start your campaigns
    at the beginning of the Holidays, right before Halloween.   At this
    stage your  you’re looking to attract and maintain interest for future
    sales and want to keep the momentum going.  Expect a decline in open
    rates on certain days;  Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday. 
    Compare your data from last year’s Holiday’s email campaigns to make
    intelligent marketing decisions. Was you emails better received on Black
    Friday, or were your subscribers occupied with mass shopping and early
    in-store deals?
  1. You’ve heard it before,
    segment your list. You will get better open rates, click-throughs and
    referrals. A focused message sent to a targeted group within your list,
    is the most powerful email tactic available to you. Using segmentation
    you can target your non-active subscribers, the ones, for example who
    purchased once during the year,  to those  subscribers who purchased
    bathing suits for their winter vacations last week.  Segmenting your list is a great way to market: mailing personalized segments with triggered mailings, you can't go wrong.
  2. Do
    your emails yell "this is urgent, do this now?"  Create emails that
    have a sale deadlines, offers that expire, coupons that are only valid
    with an in-store purchase or free shipping if they buy now. Use
    call-to-actions that require your subscriber to visit your  landing page
    to fill out a form to receive a coupon or a free in store consultation.
  1. Friend-
    a- tize your messages. Create offers for your customers that are easy
    to get.   You might offer free gift wrapping - include a check box to
    select the color,  a box of candy- ask if they want that to ship to a
    different address,  or recommend a complementary product to go along
    with the one they just purchased,  add a link to the wallet that
    matches  the purse they selected,  with a simple checkout- out method
    for all.
  1. Always send a confirmation when
    someone buys; use please and thank you for best results.  Explain your
    return polices in your confirmation letter so you know they read them.
  1. Keep
    up with technology. You read marketing emails on your mobile device,
    why would your customers be any different? Use the right template for
    the right campaign, and if you’re not a designer, contact Dundee, we
    have the template you need.
  1. Encourage your
    list members to share their good deal with their friends on social
    media. Add social media sharing icons in your message, make it easy for
    them to pass on your coupons and share your in-store sales with others.
  1. Keep
    in mind the Internet could make your company a world-wide retailer.
    State your international policies online, preferably on the landing page
    associated with your email campaign. If you don’t ship overseas or
    rather not deal with our bordering neighbors, say so.
  1. Just
    because your call-to-action ended your sale on bathtubs on December 15,
    it’s no reason to stop sending your marketing campaigns on December 15.
    Make sure some of your offers cover January too. Remember, shoppers
    never stop shopping until that last return has been exchanged, upgraded
    or refunded and most of that takes place in January. Have offers ready
    and keep those campaigns coming for those post-Christmas sales. Dundee
    allows you to create triggered emails so you can send a follow up offer
    to a purchase on your time table.
  1. And what
    about gift cards? Offer a 5% - 10% discount on an after Christmas gift
    card purchase. Don’t let those cards expire as they represent not only a
    purchase, but an opportunity to up-sell with complementary items.
  1. Suggest
    to the savvy shopper that they deserve a gift too. When you have those
    special personal items on sale, target those readers who fit into that
    segment. Target your female members with offers especially for them,
    perfume, jewelry, hot cocoa. Whatever you sell, sell it to your list
  1. It’s never too late to start a
    Holiday Campaign: everyone likes something fresh and new. If you missed
    the October rush, don’t disappear, you have several weeks to catch up.
