The Art of Subject Line Science
The Art of the Subject Line. Composing a great subject line for your email marketing campaigns is an art. It takes time, thought, and planning. There are many ways you can use the art of the subject line to create that attention-getting headliner, and here are six suggestions worth considering: 1. The Art of Subject Line Composition When composing an email subject line, it is important to keep in mind the goal of the email. An effective subject line should be concise, and accurately reflect the content of the message. It is the catalyst of the email that will prompt recipients to open and read the correspondence, or take some other action, i.e. ignore it, trash it, or save it. 2. The Art of Subject Line Consistency Using the same “From Address” ( sender address) when sending emails is a great way to make sure your messages are recognizable and easily identified by the recipient. Using the same “From Address” in every email campaign will help you stand out from other sende