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The Art of Subject Line Science

 The Art of the Subject Line.

Composing a great subject line for your email marketing campaigns is an art. It takes time, thought, and planning.

There are many ways you can use the art of the subject line to create that attention-getting headliner, and here are six suggestions worth considering:

1. The Art of Subject Line Composition


subject lines


When composing an email subject line, it is important to keep in mind the goal of the email.  An effective subject line should be concise, and accurately reflect the content of the message.  It is the catalyst of the email that will prompt recipients to open and read the correspondence, or take some other action, i.e. ignore it, trash it, or save it.

2. The Art of Subject Line Consistency

Using the same “From Address” (sender address) when sending emails is a great way to make sure your messages are recognizable and easily identified by the recipient.  Using the same “From Address” in every email campaign will help you stand out from other senders. It gives your email messages an element of familiarity and consistency in appearance. It creates brand recognition. It will be easier for recipients to recognize your message in an overcrowded inbox. 

3. The Art of Subject Line Personalization

The power of personalization cannot be overstated. This is a powerful tool that can help businesses successfully reach their target audiences.  By using this method, messages can be tailored specifically for the recipient, increasing the likelihood of engagement with that message. Personalization changes a subject line from “Here are our monthly coupons.” To “Hello Kita, here are your monthly coupons.”

4. The Art of Subject Line Information

subject lines matterSubject lines are an essential part of any email, as they are the first thing a reader sees when they open their inbox. Subject lines should be crafted carefully so the readers know exactly what the content of an email is, and how it can benefit them. This means writing subject lines that communicate something significant, valuable, or timely in order to grab their attention.

5. The Art of the Subject Line does not Mislead, the Recipient

The importance of a subject line without misleading exaggerations or promises is crucial. It is essential to have products and services accurately represented in order to maintain consumer trust. Misleading overstatements can lead to customers feeling deceived or taken advantage of, which can ultimately damage a company’s reputation and cost them valuable business opportunities.

6. The Art of Subject Line Learning from Competitors

An inforgraphicThe competition to stand out among the countless emails in people’s inboxes is fierce. To make sure your newsletters and emails are opened plan with the competition in mind. Join their mailing list, read their subject lines, and compare their approach to yours. Do their subject lines want the reader to open and read the mail? Is the email personalized, useful and honest?

Use this information to think about what makes your subject lines different from your competitor. Is there something unique about their email? Are you offering something exclusive? Focus on these aspects when creating a compelling title for your message; one that stands out among all other messages they receive each day. For example: “Get 20% off Your Next Purchase – Only Available Here” or “Learn How Our Exclusive Tool Can Help You Reach Your Goals” are both titles that draw attention. These are written with specifics making them more likely to get clicked on than generic ones like “Check Out Our Newsletter Today!”

In summary, the Art of Subject Lines is a learning process. As with all writing, be specific and clear when writing a subject line. Consider who your target audience is and what type of information would be most relevant for them. Add urgency when applicable by including words such as ‘now’, ‘today’, or ‘limited time’. The right words can create excitement, recipients will want to read the email.  Ultimately though, no matter how good the subject line is, its effectiveness depends entirely upon the relevance for the receiver.


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