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The Perfect Website: The Vital Role Of 7 Must-Have Web Pages

Betsy McGee is a passionate baker, locally known for her delicious baked chocolate goods. She only uses the finest imported ingredients. While her Facebook store has been performing decently, her website is a mess. It is far from the perfect website she

longs to have. Instead, it is a product of one of those user-friendly website builders -follow the builder wizard, and just like adding water to a boxed cake, in no time at all, you have a finished product.  

The wizard was easy enough but during the entire process, it did not reference the importance of having a well-structured website.  The program didn’t mention the number of pages she should create, and what was essential beyond the home and contact pages.

With more research, Betsy discovered the structure of a website is the essential ingredient that plays into the time a visitor stays on a site. She realized creating the perfect website was the same as her approach to baking.  Just as the right ingredients are crucial for a delicious cake, the number and arrangements of web pages are vital to retain visitors.   A click of a wizard button is easy, but now she understands that thoughtful planning is the secret ingredient to having the perfect website for her business.  

Since she was an expert in the field of baking, she decided to hire an expert in the field of website design. Betsy knew that while they might not whip up a chocolate soufflé as delicious as hers, however, they could certainly craft a website that was beyond her expertise.

The designer laid out the structure and explained each page, she needed only to supply the content.  The essential pages include:

  1. The Homepage: The designer told her the significance of the homepage as the first point of contact for visitors.  It’s the page that quickly emphasizes the purpose and value to the visitor.  Betsy’s content gave her a home page with an attention-grabbing headline and calls to action.

  2. About Page: This is where Betsy personalized her brand. She told her story on this page.  Her content gave visitors insight into her brand’s personality, which helped build trust between her and the visitors.
  3. Contact Page: This is the page for visitors to ask questions or inquiries. Betsy’s information includes various contact options like email, phone, and social media.
  4. Products and Services Page: Here Betsy will showcase her baked items. The content will include the importance of her product, the ingredients, and essential information.  Each product will be displayed in detail, with images and pricing.
  5. Blog Page: Become an Information Hub. Betsy will be writing a blog to engage with her audience. Her plan is to focus on the healthy side of chocolate. Blogging will add to her reputation and emphasize her expertise as a baker.
  6. Privacy Policy Page: The designer explained the legal importance of having a privacy policy. Here Betsy will explain, for example, how user data is handled. And since this is an e-commerce website, she may ask a lawyer for some guidance on wording.
  7. Terms and Conditions Page: Define User Expectations. This area sets behavior guidelines for visitors. This may cover for example age restrictions on purchases that include alcohol in compliance with laws. It’s also the place to clarify transactions and responsibilities.

With the proper structure, Betsy’s website also works wonders for SEO.  Her new website is the proper roadmap for search engine crawlers.  The new design is easy to navigate and offers a great user experience, so search engines like Google can index her website for high-ranking results.

In the end, Betsy learned that much like her baking, the success of having the perfect website relies on carefully combining essential elements. With a well-structured website in place, she’s now ready to share her chocolate delights with the world, one click at a time.


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