Have you read your emails in the Dark Mode?
Have you explored the Dark Mode ? This convenient setting, available on most smartphones, tablets, and email clients, transforms your email’s appearance from the usual light background to a dark background. By adopting Dark Mode, you reduce the light emission from your screen, making for a more comfortable reading experience. It smartly inverts the colors, turning the background to black and the text to white, offering a visually soothing alternative to the traditional bright screen. Those who chose to read their emails in Dark Mode claim it’s a practical way to read their messages. They say it gives the reader a more efficient user experience, and it seems to reduce the time to read their mail. Users believe they benefit Dark Mode as it is: * Easier on the eyes, less eye strain. * Minimizes blue light exposure, which is much better for sleep patterns and overall eye health. * Less draining on the battery of the device being used. * An incentive for email marketers to send more crea