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Have you read your emails in the Dark Mode?


Have you explored the Dark Mode? This convenient setting, available on most smartphones, tablets, and email clients, transforms your email’s appearance from the usual light background to a dark background. By adopting Dark Mode, you reduce the light emission from your screen, making for a more comfortable reading experience. It smartly inverts the colors, turning the background to black and the text to white, offering a visually soothing alternative to the traditional bright screen.

Those who chose to read their emails in Dark Mode claim it’s a practical way to read their messages. They say it gives the reader a more efficient user experience, and it seems to reduce the time to read their mail.

Users believe they benefit Dark Mode as it is:

* Easier on the eyes, less eye strain.
* Minimizes blue light exposure, which is much better for sleep patterns and overall eye health.
* Less draining on the battery of the device being used.
* An incentive for email marketers to send more creatively designed emails to their inbox.

Dark Mode’s high contrast and reduced brightness make it more readable for those with visual impairments like light sensitivity. Most major email clients support Dark Mode settings. For example, for Gmail users: the program refers to Dark Mode as “night mode”. This setting only changes the background and font colors, while the rest of the message is unchanged.

Optimizing emails for Dark Mode may look different on different devices, as text and background colors may change. Images with transparent background colors may look different. Some images could become less visible if they are dark.

Some design features to consider for Dark Mode readers:

* Use images without colored backgrounds to avoid clashes.

* White Borders for Dark Elements.

* Make sure there’s visibility of logos and icons against dark backgrounds.

* Select colors that work with both dark and light modes.

The Impact on Email Deliverability with unoptimized emails in Dark Mode can look messy and be hard to read. This can, but not necessarily, cause lower engagement. Good email practices and optimized designs for Dark Mode may enhance readability and engagement.

Dark Mode may be just a trend or turn into a popular choice. Optimizing your emails for Dark Mode is not just about following a trend; it’s about enhancing accessibility and user experience. With the right tools and design practices, you can ensure your emails shine bright, even in the dark.

For example: With Lyris, you’ll need to add CSS that specifically targets Dark Mode. This can be done using media queries that detect if the user has set their device to Dark Mode. For example

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    body {
      background-color: #1e1e1e;
      color: #ffffff;

Optimizing emails for Dark Mode, as enabled by platforms like Lyris, can help the email experience. The message can be seen in the best possible light, or rather, in the most comforting shade of darkness, to enhance readability and user engagement.


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