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Your List Has Empirical Value

Everyone who does business on the Internet should be interested in marketing their web site thru the use of advertising.  But isn’t marketing and advertising synonymous?  Aren’t the results the same, should it matter if you market or advertise as long as you make the sale?  I believe there is a fair amount of confusion about the terms, but in practice marketing and advertising are as diverse as night and day where but both parts work together: i.e. 24 hours.

When you think of advertising, you generally think of paid messages, generic announcements and suggestive communications played with repetition and catchy slogans, filled with buzz words.  When it comes right down to it, you’re only advertising to get the sale.

The advertisement itself is generally a non-personal message with a subtle persuasive tone presented by a sponsor.  The non-personal aspect of the ad allows the receiver to be anyone, from both existing to potential customers, the results to be determined somewhere in the near future.  But the near future can be the immediate future when you use clickable banner ads or sponsorship ads within your html e-zines (email newsletters) or email announcement lists.

When you have an email newsletter, your subscribers are people interested in what you have to say.  They subscribe to receive your newsletter being it sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.  And if enough people join your email list, you end up with a marketable commodity for your own web site.  For example let’s say you have a catering business and decide to write a monthly email newsletter for cake baking and decorating tips.  When your membership hits 10K for example (and its done more often then you would believe) your list becomes attractive to advertisers…sponsors, people who realize they can sell their goods or services to your narrowly demographic list of people who are interested in baking and cake decorating.  So now you’re selling advertising space in the form of banner ads for Betty Crocker!

Betty Crocker knows your list has empirical value.  They are happy to advertise to 10K cake bakers instead of an unknown audience – and their ads are valuable because they receive real-time statistics, charts and graphs. They will know which banner ad was successful, which was not, who clicked on their ad, forwarded the information to a friend or set them up for a follow up email.  You can even track actual sales based on the banner ad you’re running.

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