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Showing posts from 2017

Easy Proven Strategies for BIG Fundraising Projects

A Capital Campaign is a targeted fundraising effort designed to raise funds for a specific project. They’re often used to support building projects or construction jobs; the type of effort that require multiple years and millions of dollars to complete. Do you have a specific project that your non-profit organization would like to complete; perhaps you’re adding an addition to your Church or need a new roof on all the out-buildings, regardless of the scope of work, such projects require time and money: A Capital Campaign maybe the way to go. Capital Campaigns have been on the rise these past several years, as more non-profits incorporate them into their fundraising strategies.   These Campaigns can Kick-start an organization’s new enterprise Expand the funding for existing projects Assist with the acquisition of land for expansion Help with large-scale equipment purchases and/or needed supplies Capital Campaigns can be a very effective form of fundraising for massive pr

Key Information For Email Marketers

As 2017 comes to an end, are you happy with how well your company performed?  Are you concerned about 2018, and what will it bring to the table?  Your monthly profit analysis may project the overall health of your business at year end, but it really doesn’t tell you what you are doing right or doing wrong. The best way to find out about your company’s successes and failures:  turn to those who use your product or service, your customers.  Don’t rely on Social Media, some people may love your product, but their mother doesn’t, so they give you a negative review to keep the peace.  Does that really happen – you never know.  Send email surveys, the perfect way to allow your customers to give the feedback you need.  Allow them to remain anonymous and post their answers online to a specific URL or let them tell you who they are when they submit their answers by email.   Either way here’s the top 5 reasons you should include a   survey   in your email marketing program. Customer/membe

FUN Raising Season: Create purrfect Emails That Get The Results You Need, Everytime.

As part of FUN Raising Season don’t forget to create emails that get the results you need. Personalized We all want our customers and prospects to have a successful customer experience.   Since 1995 interest in Data Mining (knowledge discovery) has grown: most every industry and organization, from the government to the local mom and pop store,  collect information about their customers, prospects, citizens and volunteers.  This collected information is very valuable as it can paint a profile of the person, or type of person that shops at your store, eats at your restaurant or donates their time and money to your nonprofit organization. In general, when everyone shops, eats and donates (to mention a few activities) likes and dislikes, opinions and brand loyalty is being tracked. With this in mind, if you collect the right data you can create a personalized email based on the information you have about said subscriber.  In fact, people expect that their favorite charity, for

Who Really Processes Everything They Read or Hear?

Posted by  Janet Walsh  on November   14 th ,   2017 As a society we are “plugged in” to the world around us.  Information is everywhere, and you must agree – there is so much information coming at us from all directions, all the time, it becomes difficult to process it all.  In fact, some of us just mentally stop processing everything we read or hear all together, because it becomes too overwhelming to think about.  Too much information can desensitize us, cloud the critical issues, for ourselves, our family and our community. As a non-profit you need to get your information out there too.  But as you know most people, businesses and organizations understand that their customers, clients and volunteers are inundated with groups to join on Facebook,  Twitter feeds  to follow, banner ads to click on,  Instagram  posts to view, etc., AND if you’re running the media campaign on these Social Networks, what once was a simple few hours a week has probably turned into a full-time jo

Email Changes On The Horizon, More Rules To Follow For Some Email Marketers

The European Privacy Law is coming on May 25, 2018.   The title of this act is officially known as The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); its all about the protection of the privacy rights of EU individuals.   Even though this is enacted in Europe this will require significant changes by organizations worldwide. Essential GDPR will enact new rules on organizations that offer goods and services to the people who reside in the EU; specifically targeting organizations that collect and analyze data that involves EU residents, regardless of location of that organization. The GDPR proposes to do the following: Improve the rights of individuals by giving them the ability to access the data that a company collects on them, the right to correct mistakes, to delete information, object to how the information is processed and to move their data. Make companies responsible as to how individual information (data) is processed and handled Require companies to report data br

“Are Email Feedback Loops Driving You Nuts”

“Are Email Feedback Loops Driving You Nuts” By Janet Walsh As an email marketer, you are responsible for sending hundreds, or maybe even tens of thousands of emails to those subscribed to your list. These are email campaigns you’ve worked on for weeks; testing to verify your campaigns will send the right message at the right time and bring in that expected ROI. However, some of the most significant feedback you need to make your campaign successful, is what your recipients do with the emails you send them. What your recipients do with your email once they receive it boils down to a few choices that include: Open Save for late Share with a friend Delete immediately Mark as Junk/Spam Mail Report you as a SPAMMER and complain to the ISP you’re hosting with. Black Walnuts As a marketer, we try to avoid the later, but it does happen,  so don’t let Feedback Loops drive you nuts! When the recipient marks your mail as spam and complains to the internet service provider (ISP) they usually

Bringing Them Back for More or Are Your Subscribers Too Overwhelmed To Read Your Email?

Bringing Them Back for More or Are Your Subscribers Too Overwhelmed To Read Your Email? Posted by  Janet Walsh  on September   13 th ,   2017 According to  MarketingSherpa  over 74% of email subscribers are inactive. Life ebbs and flows, just as your email list does. What was once new and enticing to your customers soon becomes old hat, and may even lead them to unsubscribe from your email list. How do you keep your subscribers engaged before they click that unsubscribe button? The best way, create a  re-engagement  campaign!  and target those disinterested members. How do you create a successful reengagement campaign you may ask; here are the top five ways to succeed and bring your members interest ack and wanting more. First, identify your audience, your inactive subscribers. Create segments of members, who for example haven’t opened your email for 90 days, 60 days and 30 days, a segment for those who never have open your emails since their hello letter was received and a segment for

Non-Profit Has Positive Growth, Immediate Gratification and Saves Money Using Email Marketing.

As you run your non-profit organization, there will be days when you need more volunteers, more money and yes, more resources! AND if you’re not using email mailing lists for fundraising you can be leaving money on the table. Simply put, your donors expect you to engage with them and the easiest way to do so, not to mention the most cost-effective way, is online email marketing. Email is easy to use, costs a fraction of Direct Mail and it’s interactive! Subscribers can forward your email with a refer-a-friend option, sign up to volunteer, fill out a poll, and numerous other activities including donating.  And best of all when you receive a donation your subscriber receives immediate gratification with a personalized instant email, thanking them for their contribution along with a receipt.  Follow up this relationship by reminding them how much you appreciate their concern, the way their donation helped and so on, with scheduled emails that are automatically released on a specific ti

Are You a Primary, Social or Promotional Email Marketer?

So, you’ve put effort into generating your email list, and marketing your business or products, but you’re not seeing a high response rate from your Gmail members.    It could be that Gmail gives the user an option to deliver all emails into categorized tabs*. These tabs include Social, Promotions, and the all-important Primary tab. What do these tabs mean to you, and how can you increase the deliverability and open rates of your emails? Gmail has become one of the most popular” free” email systems available.   This means there is a good chance a large portion of your subscriber list are Gmail users, and Gmail has become their primary email source.   As your growing Gmail subscribers actively use this email client, Gmail tabs can become a concern and possibly affect your deliverability.      When a Gmail user downloads Gmail messages to their cell phone, and the email is tagged Primary, Gmail sends an alert the user’s phone.    An alert will increase the chance that your email

“Discussion Lists” the Only Communication Tool Before Social Media

As a non-profit organization, communication between all departments and volunteers is key.  Timely and accurate communication can be tricky, as members may be spread over the United States and unreachable the same time you’re not.   So, just how do you effectively communicate with your group when your organization members are not in the same room, or in the same City or Country?  You might consider Group Messaging, but what about the different time zones and the information they will miss if they weren’t there at the beginning of the conversation. Facebook? Is everyone on board to set their privacy up correctly and who wants to scroll through hundreds of messages to find an answer or ask a question?   Selecting the right communication tool for your Non-profit is important and researching all the ones available tools can be daunting.   However, The answer is easier than you may think, set up an email discussion list.                 How do discussion list work you may ask – with Du

How To Be An Inbox Expert

Declining delivery rates, according to industry statistics, reveal that a modest estimate of those lost emails represents millions of dollars of lost revenue for some, and even greater losses in specific industries.  When a company becomes dependent on email marketing revenue, declining inbox deliveries can be devastating to the bottom line. In fact, if you review all the available sending reports and perform due diligence audits on your deliverability results, you may have found that any increase in revenue with your email marketing campaigns is disproportionally lower to the monetary output you’re making in terms of employing staff, time, testing procedures and the monthly investment the company is making in email technology that makes this all work.   Even with advance email technology and the rate of change in email hosting industry overall, delivery issues should be addressed in real time.  Real time allows you to become proactive, allowing you to identify and address problems,

I Dedicate This IP Address To You, Warmly Your ESP

I Dedicate This IP Address To You, Warmly Your ESP Posted by Patricia on April 28 th , 2017 If you watch baseball, you know Baseball players’ warm-up prior to their game, in fact most athletes do warm-up exercises to get into the swing of things, to limber up and to ready themselves before the big event. warming-up with a push up Google defines the warm-up as: One that prepare for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practicing gently beforehand.  “The band was warming up” Synonyms; limber up, loosen up, stretch, work-out, exercise, prepare, and rehearse:  “I run in place a bit to warm up.” Can you Warm UP an IP Address? Just like the athlete who warms up before the big event, you can warm up a dedicated IP address by progressively increasing the sending volume of email over time.  Notice the Google definition indicates warm-ups are a gentle exercise to prepare oneself for the run, the game or the contest to get the bes

Do you need a mailing list? Well do you?

Do you need a mailing list? Well do you? Posted by Patricia on February 22 nd , 2017 Do you need a mailing list?  By Mary Schultz Well do you?  You’re probably on a mailing list in one form or another, do you receive updates from your local Movie Theater, coupons in email, information about the lasts sale at the local computer store? Then you’re on a mailing list. The mailing list itself is simply a list of email addresses that you have accumulated with permission: allowing you to send the same information to everyone with a single email.  Now mailings list management can get complicate, when you add segments, triggered, transactional and sequential messaging and we offer tools to use these. There are three recognized types of email mailing lists: Announcement lists Newsletters Discussion lists. And why would you use any of these?  Well to -To remind people of who you are and what you do -To upsell your merchandise