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Bringing Them Back for More or Are Your Subscribers Too Overwhelmed To Read Your Email?

Bringing Them Back for More or Are Your Subscribers Too Overwhelmed To Read Your Email?

According to MarketingSherpa over 74% of email subscribers are inactive.
Life ebbs and flows, just as your email list does. What was once new and enticing to your customers soon becomes old hat, and may even lead them to unsubscribe from your email list. How do you keep your subscribers engaged before they click that unsubscribe button? The best way, create a re-engagement campaign!  and target those disinterested members.
How do you create a successful reengagement campaign you may ask; here are the top five ways to succeed and bring your members interest ack and wanting more.
  1. First, identify your audience, your inactive subscribers. Create segments of members, who for example haven’t opened your email for 90 days, 60 days and 30 days, a segment for those who never have open your emails since their hello letter was received and a segment for members that may be a true lost cause, as they send your mailings to junk or just delete it. (the most difficult to reengage)
  2. Make a plan to include what, when and how many times you’ll mail to these segments of inactive members. Each segment may require different content, a different offer or a different call to action, but the goal remains the same, to recapture the interest of your members and keep them as an engaged subscriber. Remind this lost soul what enticed them to your mailing list in the first place. Take some time to review the campaigns that peaked their interest in the past.   Change up the subject line with catchy offers, coupons and incentives. Make them feel they are missed, offer them something of value as a subscriber.
  3. Tools of the trade will help you offer something of value. You could do a survey or a poll, offering a free white paper for their participation. Use triggered or transactional messages

    to send automatic replies, such as a link to that free white paper after they send back the survey, or an acknowledgment when an inactive subscriber opens your offer.
  4. Get to know your list member. Again, remind them of what you do or stand for. In your email make sure to ask them to update their profile page so you can see what may have changed: maybe they’re inactive because they don’t get to sit down every day and check their inbox, are overwhelmed with daily emails or just that busy. These answers can help grow your business, as understanding your customer promotes a good, growing customer relationship.
  5. Test your campaigns before you go whole hog. Compare different versions of the parts of your email campaign against each other to determine which one performs better. You may find that a particular segment response higher to a “two for one offer” whereas the segment that hasn’t looked at your email for over 90 days response better to a coupon. Once this is done, send your email and wait for results.
Results count in this scenario  Those unresponsive to all attempts, need to be purged. Those who came back to life, send them a second welcome letter, pay attention to their profile and email accordingly


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