“Discussion Lists” the Only Communication Tool Before Social Media

As a non-profit organization, communication between all departments and volunteers is key.  Timely and accurate communication can be tricky, as members may be spread over the United States and unreachable the same time you’re not.   So, just how do you effectively communicate with your group when your organization members are not in the same room, or in the same City or Country?  You might consider Group Messaging, but what about the different time zones and the information they will miss if they weren’t there at the beginning of the conversation. Facebook? Is everyone on board to set their privacy up correctly and who wants to scroll through hundreds of messages to find an answer or ask a question?   Selecting the right communication tool for your Non-profit is important and researching all the ones available tools can be daunting.   However,
The answer is easier than you may think, set up an email discussion list.
                How do discussion list work you may ask – with Dundee Internet Services, Inc. we setup your list, to your specifications, you import all your members, (simply done with Excel or CVS file) send them a hello letter, maybe include some list etiquette and you’re ready to have your first discussion by email. 
You can also invite others to join your list, from any of your websites. Once a new list member opts-in they can join the group discussion by sending an email to an automated email address. The email is then sent from our server to all subscribers on the list. Once received, members can then respond to not only the sender, but the entire subscriber list, resulting in a real-time discussion from the privacy of the members inbox. 
                Discussion lists can be customized to meet your organizations specific needs. Features that may be customizable include but are not limited to, include subscriptions, user preferences and branding.  When it comes to subscriptions members should be able to join or remove themselves from the mailing list with ease. To accomplish this, the member can add themselves by emailing a specific email address or by going online and subscribing through your organization’s webpage.
 When logging in via a webpage the new member would generate a new account by setting up a username and password. Once they are a member they can change their user preferences.  Members can decide how they want to receive these posts, they can be received as an email every time someone responds or once a day as an accumulated response.
 As the host of these discussion lists you can decide how you want them to appear to all those involved, the options can be endless. For instance, you may choose the color or even add your organizations logo to make the list look more official or tie it in with the member website. The possibilities are endless
                Email discussion lists are a critical tool for the nonprofit agencies looking to reach a broad spectrum of people. A good discussion list can bring in people, from all walks of life together, to generate a conversation.  Think of how a discussion list for your Volunteers or donor can bring them closer to your cause.
Discussion lists are used for everything that needs to be acted on: from scheduling everyday tasks, to collaborating with board members over any issue imaginable.  They bring people together, world-wide just as simply as composing an email.   Sign up for a free 60 day trial special and see of yourself.
Discussion Lists, the communication tool before social media.
