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Always Use These 5 Emails For a Thriving Business.!

The hardest part is over. You have a new subscriber. Now what?

A new list subscriber should feel their membership is important to you and worthwhile for them. It’s essential to keep this person engaged with your emails: Targeted emails sent on a regular basis does just that. Besides all the future emails your new member will enjoy, there are at least 5 email types that your list member may receive from you, one time or another, essential emails that keep list members engaged. They are the:

1.The Welcome Letter: Once a new member is added to your mailing list it is important to greet them and to show gratitude for taking the effort to follow your content. The content you send should be personalized for the new subscriber, i.e. address them by their name. The welcome letter should set their expectations, what information can they expect from their subscription, how often will you be mailing, and so forth. AND always include an unsubscribe link or a no response to this email will remove them from the list, in case they were added by mistake. Make sure you ask your new subscribers to whitelist your email address with their ISP so future mailings won’t end up as marked as SPAM. Keep a warm and sincere tone, as with any interaction with people you may never get another chance to make a good first impression and loyal list member.

2.Birthday Emails: These emails are self-explanatory. With Dundee Email, you can enter your list members birth date into the system for future automatic mailings. The Birthday Greeting you create will arrive in their inbox at the right date on the time you designate. This is a perfect way to make them feel special, and don’t forget to add a sale coupon just for them.

3.Re-engagement Letter: Have you noticed that your open rates are suffering? Your subscriber rate might be up, but are they interacting with your content and generating sales? Maybe it’s time to ramp up user enthusiasm. An emailed discount for products/ services may not be enough. When designing a reengagement email, think outside the box. Make eye-catching subject lines and unusual proposals to bring your users back into the fold. Consider including a brief survey, to find out what they are thinking. Ask when they want to hear from you, what really interests them. Note their likes and dislikes and use this information to tailor future email campaigns to be delivered with the content they want at the time they want it.

4.Reminders: We all get busy and use reminders to make sure all our tasks get completed. Personally, I find myself making lists and using a ridiculous amount of post-its to stay on track of things I need or should do, your customers are no different. They may have to be reminded to pick up their dry cleaning or buy milk at the grocery store. However when shopping, most likely they wouldn’t leave their shopping cart sitting in the middle of the store and walk out, but when they shop online, it’s easy to leave that cart. This brings me to the 4th letter, the Shopping cart abandonment email reminder. Email list members are just like us; fill up a virtual shopping cart and pretend to check out, just to view the shipping costs, or select that blue scarf, then check-out at different VS (virtual store). It could be that your email customer simply does not want to give out all that personal information, or they are worried about site security. In all shopping cart abandonment situations, an email to remind them what they left in their cart, maybe just the nudge they need for you to close that sale. A reminder email for shopping carts has three general components, an eye-catching subject line, the abandoned items and a call to action. The subject line should entice the recipient to open your email one that evokes an emotional response. Once the email is opened, showcase the items they left behind and highlight any special features they may have missed, like a 30-day return policy. Design the email for a one-click purchase: automatically take them to their account to pick up where they left off.

5.Goodbye letter: Sometimes no matter what you do your member still unsubscribe. Goodbyes are the hardest in real life and goodbyes to a list member, well not as hard to write. Email goodbyes aren’t widely used, as most people don’t want to pester their newly unsubscribed members. However, it is important to send a final email to your previous subscriber thanking them for their loyalty, and, trying to once again make them an offer to stay. Some of the most successful goodbyes are simple, to the point with little or no images. If your goal is to get them to stay give them the ability to alter their email preferences – they like your content but are tired of getting daily emails. Remember the survey or use a profile page.

For mailing lists, the goals are always the same. We want an active, engaged subscriber, it’s not just enough to have many subscribers we want them to open their emails, forward them to friends and become customers of our products or services. The key to reaching your goal is to keep the lines of communication open with our members by interacting with them at all stages whether they are new, haven’t opened an email in a month, or are unsubscribing.


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