Nonprofit Advantage
Nonprofit Advantage
Free Social Media Sites – free is always attractive, especially if you are working on a tight budget. Social media, as part of your marketing mix, augments. your virtual ads, website and Facebook presence: essentially giving any nonprofit marketing potential without limits.
Not to be overlooked, there is email marketing, which statistically, continues to be the most effective marketing the vehicle for acquiring new interest and maintaining ongoing relationships.
In comparison with the other marketing channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, email, ( Discussion Lists, Announcements, and Newsletters) is sent directly to the inbox. Email over Social Media has proven to:
In comparison with the other marketing channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, email, ( Discussion Lists, Announcements, and Newsletters) is sent directly to the inbox. Email over Social Media has proven to:
- Attract more volunteer participation
- Reach out to people who are supporters and not social
media followers - Help organize big fundraisers
- Maintain employee interest
- Keeps lines of communication open with all facets of
your organization
How do you create a good solid email campaign?
- Including a story, something that promotes your brand
and the heart of your organization - Showing the results of donor dollars, what you
accomplished, what you have built, what you are working toward - Using a call to action that will inspire your readers
to: pick the phone - click on a link - make that donation - Offering white papers, downloads
- Sending a form to capture their interests and
availability - keep them engaged with your organization - Create emails you can analyze with email
management tools
Dundee Internet offers a multitude of email management tools including:
- Transactional emails, automated emails sent in
reaction to an event or a transaction, such as a donation - Triggered mail, a specific event triggers a
personalized response to your list member; they fill out a form on your
website for example - Triggered Clauses, where one or more clauses define the
terms for the creation of a specific segment. This includes but not
limited to:
Numeric - List segmentation sends email to specific
demographics or classifications (volunteer, donors, constituents.)
As with any business or organization, to maintain a good relationship with customers or volunteers it's always smart of follow up with them. The is especially true if they spent time or money with your organization.
With email marketing Following up and keeping track all activities such as the
success of your call to actions or something as simple as knowing your email
was read, the links were clicked on and it was shared with a friend is valuable
With email marketing Following up and keeping track all activities such as the
success of your call to actions or something as simple as knowing your email
was read, the links were clicked on and it was shared with a friend is valuable
The bottom line doesn’t overlook the best and cost-effective tool around. Email. And at Dundee, you can set up a list for as little as $10 a month: unlimited email sends for up to 500 subscribers.
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