Is Your Discussion List On All The Popular Search Engines?

Why use Dundee Internet discussion list hosing instead of Facebook, Twitter, Google Groups and other social media channels?


Dundee Internet Discussion list hosting:


No one needs to remember to go to a webpage and search for the conversations

  1. Members can make comments and contributions that are truly private
  2. Posts are not parsed and severed up as ads (like Google and Yahoo Groups)
  3. Contents are not stored on 1000’s search engines
  4. The List owner will have better control over who see posts
  5. Our system prevents Spammers from posting
  6. Users can read and reply to posts at their leisure
  7. List members can have searchable web archives
  8. Personal information is safe, as we do not sell membership data
  9. There are no popups
  10. We never track email messages to see if they are opened
  11. Copyright claims on your messages

“I like the personal touch that Dundee Internet Services list hosting gives me over social media.”
SamMaritime Advocate

– See more at testimonials here
