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Are there Email Marketing Myths on the Internet?

Have you seen this photo by Peter Steiner published by “The New Yorker in 1993”?   Over 25 years later, it’s still true.  When you’re reading websites on the Internet you really don’t know who is on the other side of the keyboard.  Consequently, some of the articles, on any subject including Email Marketing, may be more fiction than fact.   Fiction can turn into fact if it is said enough times.  Here are 9 Email Marketing facts that are really email marketing fiction (myths) because they’ve been said enough times. Don’t Say That! I’m sure you heard it said, avoid spammy words in your email Subject Lines. The list includes but not limited to “Save”, “Huge”, “Discounts”, “Free” and “Cash”. Spammy words were always believed to be a no-no.  Today, ESP’s (Email Service Providers) and ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) along with Spam filters have matured.  These words are no longer flagged as SPAM, instead, inbox success is a combination of online factors, such as sender repu

Email Marketing 101 THE COURSE

I’m amazed having been in the email marketing business for over 22+ years, that there are Email Marketing College courses, like Email Marketing 101, available which seem so second nature to me.  It didn’t’ take long for email marketing to become the class to take as part of the curriculum for some Marketing Degrees.  In fact, email marketing has grown so much in popularly and use, it’s turned into a big industry In the early days, before it was sanctioned as big business and a must-have marketing course, my late husband and I were guest speakers for several semesters at Eastern Michigan University, specifically for the marketing majors.  We would lecture on the good and bad elements of email marketing, how it’s done, why it works, security, what is the cost and so on.  Since that time all the essentials of email marketing haven’t changed.  However, people did get smarter about DNS, SPAM filters and IP addresses. ESP’s (Email Sevice Providers) may have added some spiffy marketing too

Are You A Hurry Up and Get It Done Marketer?

Salty Sally sells seashells by the seashore. She also uses email marketing. She is not a hurry up and gets it done email marketer. Salty Sally sends her email campaigns on a schedule. With each mailing, she puts her content in a template that mirrors her website. Because Salty Sally knows her subscriber’s preferences she sends each one relevant content, ROI increases monthly and best of all she is working with a supportive  ESP. Manhattan Mark makes money monthly by mailing messages when the mood hits him.  He makes his content on the fly, nothing is planned, it’s just sent out.  It’s really just hit and miss, therefore, his ROI is all over the map.  He’s using an entry-level ESP because it’s easy to use and cheap. Both Manhattan Mark and Salty Sally are email marketers.   Both have a limited budget and but only one believes he doesn’t have enough time to do things right.  The fact that Mark is using an entry-level ESP, not only hindered his business potential but has made

Email Tools That Benefit Nonprofits

The greatest benefit for nonprofits when using email marketing tools is an increase in audience engagement with their organization.   Email is an efficient, cost-effective way to ask for donations, and with automation never forget to send a thank-you follow-up. Newsletters sent to target specific list subscribers will increase fundraising efforts and volunteer participation, both a benefit for nonprofits. Dundee Internet an avid supporter of nonprofit organizations, offers several built-in email marketing tools for nonprofits that use our mailing list services. Marketing Tools that make it easy for your nonprofit to: Send messages that target a specific audience , based on list membership demographics, behavior and preferences.   We offer customizable member profile forms, to allow list members to see and edit certain information collected about them. Using member profile forms a subscriber can manage their own opportunities.  Offer options that allow subscribers to r

Why Is This the Best Email Marketing Solution for your Small Business

Have you found the Best Email Marketing Solution for your small business, one which will help you gain and keep more customers? According to internet statistics, including the Direct Marketing Association, email elicits a return on investment of over 4000% compared to other traditional marketing avenues. Email marketing is known to be extremely cost-effective, with immediate feedback; there’s no other marketing platform available like it, including social media networks. Running a small business?  You want to use the Best Email Marketing Solution possible, but are are you?  What do currently use for email marketing? Several Small Businesses use personal email accounts because it’s easy and cheap. Did you know, using personal email for business marketing may actually impede your success?  Why? Because each personal email account, (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) has its own set of email limitations. Limitations that can make your account and your messages: Flag you as