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Why Is This the Best Email Marketing Solution for your Small Business

Have you found the Best Email Marketing Solution for your small business, one which will help you gain and keep more customers?

According to internet statistics, including the Direct Marketing Association, email elicits a return on investment of over 4000% compared to other traditional marketing avenues.
Email marketing is known to be extremely cost-effective, with immediate feedback; there’s no other marketing platform available like it, including social media networks.

Running a small business?  You want to use the Best Email Marketing Solution possible, but are are you?  What do currently use for email marketing?
Several Small Businesses use personal email accounts because it’s easy and cheap. Did you know, using personal email for business marketing may actually impede your success?  Why? Because each personal email account, (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) has its own set of email limitations.

Limitations that can make your account and your messages:

Flag you as a Spammer. When a large amount of emails is sent from a webmail address, like Yahoo, the emails look suspicious to your customers’ ISP.  In addition, the safeguards that are set up by an ESP (Email Service Provider) to authenticate the email sender (you in this case) may not be set up properly because you do not control these domains (,, etc.)
Automatically be delivered to the junk folder: Sending several emails at once seems like a good idea, however all it takes is a few recipients to report your message as Spam.  When that happens your incoming emails forever go into your recipient’s Junk or Spam Folders.  Each free email provider handles this differently, to fix this, normally it takes a setting on your recipients’ side.
Less secure and lack privacy.  Part of the service an Email Service Provider (ESP) offers is privacy from others. Sending bulk email using a CC (and I’m sure you received emails like that from time to time) exposes everyone to everyone on your lists.
Appear unfriendly and not lawful. How are you handling unsubscribes using a personal email account?  With built-in marketing tools, most of these reoccurring actions, subscribes, unsubscribes, bounces are handled automatically, recorded and viewable for review.  And the Can-Spam Act requires an unsubscribe method.
Lack of tools for the Optics: Is your Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail messages mobile-friendly.  Do the links work, can you include images without going over the size limitations. Can you make the email look professional?  How long does the link work within the email you send, hours, days, weeks?
Disappear; How do you really know what became of your message? Did your recipient open your email, go to your website, refer your email to a friend, trash it?  Did they actually receive your message?  You may never know.

So why use an ESP?

Small Business email marketing can be challenging, and finding the best email Marketing Solution can be just as challenging.  There are many online “experts” who are more than happy to point you in the direction of their favorite Email Mail Service Provider,  Dundee Internet is no different, we would love to have your business but we realize the choices you make may be based on recommendations, price. referral credits or it sounds cheap enough.
Dundee Internet exists to solve your email marketing problems and challenges, and we are great at it.
While it is true there’s a lot of similarities between ESPs there are also many differences. For example, here at Dundee Internet, we are not part of a larger corporation, you can speak to the owner, technical support is tireless, available day, night, holidays, weekends, anytime you need us.  We have manuals, easy to follow tutorials and wizards.
Our sending reputation proceeds us, so to speak, as we have been on the Internet for over 20 years. ISP’s know us.   All our authentication is all in one place, however, if you want to mail from your own domain instead of ours, you can.

If you are using your personal email to send your Small Business Marketing campaigns, try us for free and we will guarantee you will be amazed at the results.

If you’re already using an ESP, have you experienced the following issues?

You found that you reached your sending limit and your choice to continue is to pay more, wait until next month or if allowed, delete some contacts to add new ones.   Dundee Internet Email Marketing Service does not cap the number of emails you can send, the type or the size.  The sky’s the limit.
You’re growing your list monthly along with the cost.   Dundee does not charge by list membership, the more list members the merrier.
Having a problem getting out of the Junk Folder? We will show you how to educate your recipients, so your mail goes in the inbox where it’s supposed to go.Man holding growing list of names
The templates offered are old, confusing and unforgiving and you must start over if you want to send another mailing.  As for templates, we have several to choose from, mobile-friendly and easy to manage.  Don’t like what we offer, we will custom design a template for you. Our templates are reusable from one mailing to the next, everything is easy to edit.  And you can use your own custom HTML.
You need to send your recent mailing to one list member; you find there’s no easy way to send to one member?   Dundee handles this just fine.
You need more than one list, segmenting is okay, but you want a second or third list for specific events. You do not want to pay for three lists but segmenting your only option.  With Dundee, you can have unlimited lists under one account and create lists as needed.
Do you find there are not enough reports, not enough options, not enough tools? There again we offer over 200 reports, tons of tools and options.   We show you who opened your email, and how many times they did so.  If they clicked on a link, forwarded your message, purchased an item.  And if the read your mail months later, you can continue to track their activity.

Our list management tools to make your life easier, with segment wizards, automatic bounce handling, transactional email, a/b testing,

Privacy is our priority, our servers are locked down, keeping your profile and the details of your list members safe.
Our List Hosting platform allows you to: Manage all your lists from any location, web or email.
Send your mail with the confidence that it will be delivered, as we have a working relationship with ISP’s to keep our sending reputation sterling.
Find out if Dundee is the best email Marketing Solution for your Small Business.  Order a no-obligation demo or sign up as a customer.

And if you read this blog and mention it when you order as a customer,  you will not be charged for recurring fees during the first 6 months.


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