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Showing posts from 2020

How to achieve email marketing success in 2021

  The year 2020, a year to remember and a year to forget. The ongoing paramedic continues to interfere with businesses in ways that are unimaginable, resulting in loss income and in some cases seemly unrecoverable debt cause by shorten hours and closed doors: Per State ordinances. With a dwindling walk in customer base, there has never been a more critical time to reach out to your customers to let them know you’re still here and ready to do business. It’s the right time to send a targeted email campaign; Several in fact. Start 2021 on a positive note, with these top 5 recommendations to make your 2021 email marketing a success. 1. Personalization: a. Using subscriber names in the email subject line and body  b. Content relevant to their interests c. Suggestions for products based on previous purchases 

How to Organize Your Remote Employees

  Working alone from home, day after day takes discipline.  Granted you can get up and move when you want to, make something to eat or munch all day,  let the dog out, wash the dishes, even sneak in some TV time. On the working side, you may find yourself reading more emails than normal and spending valuable time sorting through email conversations to find the one you need to answer. You still have deadlines and then there are the online meetings you have to get dressed for.  To make life easier, from the email side, suggest to your employer  or if you are the employer, set up a Discussion List (also known as Group Email).  Keep all email conversations in order and searchable for all the participants. Don’t carry on work conversations on Facebook or messenger, as finding one subject is difficult, not private, and the platform itself lends to distraction Electronic Discussion Lists have been around for a long time, over 20 yea

6 Simple Steps For Your Email Marketing Holiday Season

  Email Marketing during the holiday season has always been a challenge Consumers are overrun with advertisements for Black Friday, the more people are inundated with advertisements, the more they can tune out. So, how can you take advantage of the holiday without getting lost in all the noise? We have put together an email marketing calendar with steps to make the most of your holiday email marketing! Assemble your contacts: Your current email marketing list is a great place to start, but don’t forget to include your social media accounts, outlook, Gmail and website subscribers. Do not leave anyone out, the more the merrier! Determine your marketing idea: No one knows your customers like you do! Give them what they want by ma

Increase your website traffic the easy way.

  Not too long ago in the brick and mortar world of small business, customer foot traffic may have relied on a mixture of the following: Posted hours that required extra employees Newspaper Ads Radio Ads Local TV Ads Word of Mouth Chamber of Commerce membership Joining a business association like BNI  Giving away free samples Attending trade shows Outdoor Signage Coupons on Pizza boxes Flyers and mailed brochures All these methods take effort, time and money and they continue to be a valid ways of attracting customers to your door. However: Fast forward to today. With the Internet, the same brick and mortar store, in downtown anywhere can easily increase their customer base from local folks to a worldwide buying audience. In most cases with, less effort and cost. It’s a business owners dream, less expensive more revenue.  But is i

Generate More Cash With Your Email Campaigns This Holiday Season .

  It’s almost here, the make or break holiday season for several retail businesses.  With every new season an email marketer must be more creative, more engaging and offer more value to their email readers.  And, do it all better than the competition!   This is especially true in the pandemic era of 2020, when online sales are crucial for most businesses to stay solvent, as they know email marketing is the key to get customers in the “proverbial door”. The key for this season is a well-planned out email campaign with perfect execution designed to grab the attention of your list subscribers in the midst of a national virus conundrum. Holiday’s in 2020 to some degree will suffer from the COVID-19 pandemic.  It’s uncertain what the impact will be.  However, it is safe to say more people will be staying home to work, play and shop, therefore any email marketing messages

The 5 Myths of Website Hosting

  1 -Where I host my website will not affect my SEO Ranking It might. SEO (search engine optimization) depends on several factors Including: Fast Website loading speed -your ranking may be lowered by Google if your website loads too slow or is down often.  Slow loading will also frustrate a user thereby increase your bounce rate, all negative factors on SEO ranking. Security – A secure website is a safe website.  Does your provider offer installed SSL certificates?  For SEO ranking a good host will offer SSL and in addition backup your data for quick recovery if anything goes wrong. High uptime, ideally 99.99% is great. And add a Dedicated IP address for your website, even better. And if you’re on shared services, like the server farms that are still being used in some places, loading, may be slowed as well. 2-My website can be any size because I got Unlimited If you think about it, there’s rea

Optimize your email in 7 steps.

  We all agree email marketing is versatile, effective and engaging.  Email marketing can also be personal, while automated, forwarded, and tracked. Email is the optimal marketing tool used to optimize sales. But how do you optimize email? The Method of Optimizing Your Email Start with your captured list addresses -how are they collected, all opted-in? Did the subscribers engage with your Welcome letter? Is there a link in your Welcome Letter series to an informative landing page, such as an unobtrusive profile page?  (you can always collect more demographics in a later email) Will above the fold message engage the subscriber to read more. Did the subscriber open your message: We all normally open email from someone we trust, therefore it makes sense to use the same FROM address every time you send an email campaign. Consider the Subject Line . Does it stand out in a cro