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6 Simple Steps For Your Email Marketing Holiday Season


Email Marketing during the holiday season has always been a challenge

Consumers are overrun with advertisements for Black Friday, the more people are inundated with advertisements, the more they can tune out. So, how can you take advantage of the holiday without getting lost in all the noise? We have put together an email marketing calendar with steps to make the most of your holiday email marketing!

  1. Assemble your contacts: Your current email marketing list is a great place to start, but don’t forget to include your social media accounts, outlook, Gmail and website subscribers. Do not leave anyone out, the more the merrier!

  2. Determine your marketing idea: No one knows your customers like you do! Give them what they want by marketing your brand’s bestselling products and services or launch a new product that will get your customers talking! Either way take some time to determine what you want from your holiday marketing campaigns. Research your customer, getting to know them will allow for a more personalized and effective email marketing season.

3. Confirm Contact Information and create segments: Refine your list by confirming that the email addresses you gathered are still active. This is a great time to determine if any of your email addresses are on hold or have requested to be unsubscribed from your marketing list. Now that you removed any bad addresses take a moment to segment the remaining emails based on interest, geolocation, previous purchases or any segment that speaks to both your customer base and the marketing idea you have previously determined. This can seem intimidating and time consuming but reaching out to your customer with recommendations for them will make you stand out in the crowd.

4. Create A Responsive Email Template: This is where you can be fun and creative, using bright colors, gifs, background images or even music. Getting your customer’s attention is a starting point, but be aware that customers can open this email with a variety of electronics. Therefore, it is important that your email be as responsive as possible. If you have a gif that only opens on a desktop and goes missing on mobile or tablets your point may not get through to your consumers. If you have time, we recommend creating multiple templates and running an a/b test to find out which template speaks the most to your clients.

5. Send your Black Friday Email: Now that your email template is ready, and your list is cleaned and prepped it is time to hit send. You can also schedule your email to send in advance, we all can be very busy this time of the year, and scheduling your email to send on a specified day and time frees you up for other tasks

6. Follow Up With A Cyber Monday Deal: Ecommerce is an ever growing market, projects that by 2023 the US Ecommerce revenue will be in the neighborhood of 740 billion dollars! Now that is a large market you don’t want to miss out on. We recommend following up your Black Friday deal, with a Cyber Monday Deal.

With these six simple steps you can achieve a beautiful, successful, and personalized email marketing season.


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