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Why is your Website not doing well?

How is your website doing?

Is it bringing in sales, inquires, and visitors?  Have you reviewed your GOOGLE analytics lately- is the report what you expected? If not, you may be a victim of Old Website Syndrome (OWS)…

This happens to the best of us, we get a great website, get busy with life and forget about it because you now have a business listing on Social Media.

Social Media, easy to do and free!  And your customers can leave comments about your product, however, in the case of Facebook you could look like everyone else.

But the biggest drawback; you do not control your destiny, Social Media platforms change their policies all the time, which may affect your business page.  In fact, we posted an image of face masks, in reference to website hosting, it was removed because it violated the Social Media platform policy we host on.  AND free platforms, historically have come and gone. Your business is online with a popular page one day and the next day you’re not. 

How to overcome OWS

Keep adding new content. This is not a daily chore, just every so often, every month or so at the least, change or update your website with new wording, images, sales and offers.  Add a new monthly blog, just to keep things fresh, and show the search engines you are alive and well.

Review and update your contact information. Is that listed toll-free number still working, is the contact us page operative? Are all the email addresses current?

Make sure your homepage is up to date. Every so often test the links and verify everything is running smoothly. Verify the page from top to bottom – is the menu still easy to navigate with relevant links, is your footer still accurate or need to be updated? What year is displayed: © 2020 or © 2016?

Are the colors, images, and fonts suited for the website visitor? When a page is too busy, the colors are too bright or contrasting and the fonts too large or too small to read, you lose the visitor. Keep things in perspective, use images that reflect your business with fonts that are readable and colors that enhance the page.

Does your website look and work well on smartphones and tablets? These devices display a mini version of your website and how it displays depends on the design. Can the website easily adjust to fit any screen, how does the menu look, do the images load, can you click on the phone number to dial your company automatically?

How secure is your website, are visitors getting a “Your Connection to This Site is Not Secure” More and more web browsers seem to be looking out for us.  If your website’s security, is lax they may not let the visitor, visit.  An SSL certificate will change that from an insecure web site to one that is verified and secure.

I hope this helps with OWS. But if you’re still suffering from Old Website Syndrome because you  don’t have time to add content, update and optimize images, install an SSL Certificate and verify if it works on smartphones or tablets, give us a call.  734-529-5331 or email us!


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