Of course, there are the basics besides a shorter Subject Line, including personalization, relevancy, timeliness, image placement, and content length. You might include an incentive to stay, such as a discount, contest or free item.
Remind them of their importance to your product or service and thank them for being a list member.
Include a link to their profile page so they can tell you when they want to hear from you, i.e. they may only read your emails during certain times of the year.
Don’t forget to include an unsubscribe link, yes even in these campaigns.
To sum this up, a win-back email campaign is necessary to fight churn. Once you decide the time frame an email subscriber is considered inactive you can place the address in one of your segments for future action. When you send your campaign out, make it personalize, relevant, with an irresistible call to action. And include a link to their profile page as they may only read your email at certain times of the year, and not interested the majority of the year.
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