You too can create unlimited email lists for fun and profit using your communication hub.


Being part of a big organization can be fun. Communication between everybody about everything could be challenging, and not so fun. Your company publishes an inhouse newsletter, offer chat rooms and different Social media options. So many venues, in fact, keeping up with company current events can take up most of the day: not to mention the time used on social media to find the right thread, read all the comments and post your comment.

Rather than post comments on various platforms a centralized communication hub may be the answer to keep everyone on the same page. You can invest in yet another program to manage all your communication avenues or use something you’re already familiar with, email.

Consider email as your go to communication hub for the entire organization.

An email communication hub will:

1. Keep everyone informed from one platform.


Let the admin(s) know when your message has been read, re-read, and forwarded to another email address.

3. Show all lists mailing from the company domain ( ).

4. Allow the organization to create unlimited lists with unlimited members.

5. Offer a combination of discussion lists (also known as group email) and announcement lists as needed by each department.

6. Segment the lists as necessary or make a combination of lists and segments.

7. Designate admins to one or more lists.

8. Assign unlimited number of email addresses to one or more lists.

9. Use unlimited demographic fields for personalization, or departments.

10. Have conversations that you can follow in email with group email postings.

11. Search archives for previous conversations.

12 Permit cross posting or not.

13 List members can be on more than one list.

14 Set up a feedback form on Facebook that goes right to your mailing list.

Which provider to use?

Dundee Internet Email solutions, under offers all the features for an email communications hub at a surprisingly low cost. For more information email We are here to help with your communication needs.

There are several email service providers to choose from, however most charge by the list member, you cannot use your own domain, stats can not be seen if you’re mailing from several lists, and there are no archives or group email options.
