When DO you need group email for your B2B discussions?


When DO you need group email for your B2B discussions?

When your group of colleagues, business partners, and or interested parties have a topic or question that require a discussion - AND- the dialogue needs to be open to a group of contributors.  Group email or a discussion list is the best option.   Some examples may include:

·         Questions and answers for online classes. 

·         A product website that requires a searchable forum for user support.

·         A “How-To” knowledge base that has grown as it allows participants to contribute, as well as browse for topics to read and respond to.

Why is this beneficial

Discussion lists are helpful for general inquires that are handled by multiple people.  They create a more responsive communication effort for customer services and support, since there are several readers and responses.

Social Media as a forum

Social media forums should never be used for exclusive or confidential information.

It is difficult to control who sees what, as social media feeds update often so the message may get missed by the intended recipients.


Social media is just that, it’s used for social interaction.  To keep your B2B communication between the intended people, e.g., board of directors, technical support team even a prayer group, consider using a host who specializes in group email or discussion lists.
