Are there conditions to become a dynamic, great email marketer?​

The internet is filled with advice on how to be a great email marketer.  Email marketers can find information on anything email, including, content, format, images, sending schedules, to the use of fonts, videos and personalization.  

And it doesn’t stop there.

Subjects like triggers, transactional emails, and reengagement are presented in online blogs by the 100’s.  There’s guidance on how to write an email campaign, who should write it and what department should handle it. Moreover, as a marketer, if you need help, you can find out how to read your campaign statistics, and how to improve those statistics  with you next mailing.

So much advice to be a great email marketer.  And so little time to know it all.

One thing all marketers know, without research; to get results you have to continue to email and aim to get your message in the in-box and get it read.

If you follow online recommendations, you may find a variety of suggestions on how to get this done.  However, email marketing is basically a moving target.  Marketers find that some things work well in some situations, others do not, and those things that do not work well, may just need some creativity to be successful.

You can be creative and successful with dynamic content, also known as conditional content.  This type of content is considered active in that it presents information to the reader based on their responses (e.g. a survey), their interests (you know from the profile page they filled out) and needs (e.g. they only want your emails when there’s a coupon).

Using dynamic content is easy, but there are steps that need to be followed, such as collecting demographic data from each list member.  You can set up profile pages and ask each member, (by email of course) any personal data you feel they will answer. Our system, for example, has unlimited data fields, so in our customer’s case they can collect as much information as they need. 

A great example using dynamic content:

One of our customers mailed to expected moms.  Their collected data fields contained elements like the age of the mom, number of children, the expected due date of their new baby.  Based on that information we calculated the time left from the date they joined the list to their expected due date. Our email program then automatically sent to the list subscriber personalized newsletters, relevant to the trimesters they were in. 

After the baby was born, they continued to receive timely newsletters with development milestones for their new baby. (e.g., what to expect at one month)  

This worked well for our customer, in fact she had close to one million moms enjoying her list in a very short period of time.  She is an example of a great email marketer using dynamic content. 

To be a great email marketer using dynamic or conditional content you must:

  1. Know your audience. Collect the right demographic information.  Selling pet food for example, ask if they have a dog or cat, the age, the name of the animal, dry or wet food preference and brand.   
  2. Try different images, time and subject lines.  A/B split testing is great for this. And using our system you can run unlimited tests on various aspects of your email.
  3. Create customs scripts to insert in complex dynamic content, as with the newsletter for new moms. Simple to do and we support unlimited scripts. 

The advice email marketers can find on the internet is never ending. You will find, that using personalization with dynamic content is the best advice to date.

With dynamic content you can:

  1. Send individuals different content on the same list, tailored to the exact needs and interests of your recipients without having to write more than one message.
  2. Target emails based on any data field you have from your members.
  3. Dramatically improve your email opens. 

Try it yourself with Dundee’s mailinglistservices. We can set you up today for a no obligation trial run.  

