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Are You Really An Email Marketer Or Are You Forging This Email Address?

Are You Really An Email Marketer Or Are You Forging This Email Address? by  Pat  |  Nov 30, 2018  |  Announcement Lists ,  Email Marketing ,  Internet Marketing  |  0 comments how email authenticates Do you ever think about email security?  I suppose it depends where you are in the internet chain.  As the email marketer, your concerns are normally focused on  deliverability , ROI, content, opens, and so forth.  Most likely you probably leave email security to your employer, your IT department and your email hosting provider Those aforementioned entities have a shared security concern with a bigger community of companies and organizations:  Those include the  email abuse groups ,  the blacklist monitors  and ISP’s both big and small.  Why? –  because regardless of who and how you get online when you’re on the Internet, security, or lack of email security affects you one way or another. On a daily basis, we usually receive unwanted annoying messages that fill our inbox and Junk folder kn

How to be a Successful Email Marketer from Scratch

How to be a Successful Email Marketer from Scratch by Pat | Nov 9, 2018 | Collect Email Addresses You just opened a small Bakery downtown. Starting from Scratch Your marketing includes a Facebook business page, you tweet, and post on Instagram.  E-commerce is part of your website for internet orders, but business isn’t booming.  You need another cost-effective way to attract and keep new customers.  Your Marketing Plan includes Email campaigns which are notably ideal for your business type plus extremely cost-effective.  You want to start this as soon as possible. However, you do not have a list of subscribers to work with. The groundwork for any marketing plan starts with the well-defined customer These are the people you want to reach with email.  Your Marketing plan helps identify the hypothetical ideal prospect and customer, what they look like, what industry are they in, male or female, old or young and so forth.  After you define your ideal cu

Why Grow User Engagement With Email Just to Increase Your Sales?

Sales are coming to an electronic internet connected device near you. That’s right folks, we are getting closer to another  Black Friday  and Cyber Monday. What does that mean for most retailers – now is the time to strategize, prepare and execute your marketing plans to end the 2018 selling year, as successful and profitable as possible. Get the jump on the virtual buying holidays – Organize for the buying season Review your website – check and test your order and return systems Scrutinize your social media advertising including procedures and integration Audit your product inventory Check your service calendar Prepare for seasonal workers Make sure your customer service is up to par Special promotions work well when everything works together Is your website visually appealing to mobile users? Did you verify the check-out is quick and easy? The marketing email list up to date? To see what content yields the best ROI, did you test your promotions on various platfo

Where O' Where Did My Email Go?

Email Delivery Steps Message Creation :   Email marketing messages normally start with design. Content is added. The message is tested.  Once you are satisfied with the message in its creative form, its sent,  taking a path that leads it directly to an email server.  However, before that happens the message is properly formatted for internet transmission with a standard protocol called  SMTP  (“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol:)  Next, the sender’s server,  technically called the “Mail Transfer Agent” or MTA, searches the portion of the recipients’ email address to determine the destination mail server. This server called the MX server (“Mail Exchanger”) is contacted to deliver the message. 3. The recipient’s email retrieves (downloads the message) using POP,  “Post Office Protocol”, Email Deliverability After message creation, in step one above, an email message goes through other routes which can determine its deliverability. The hosting provider’s software should

Did You Know, Legitimate Emails Will Be Blocked

As an email user you probably noticed the increased amount of SPAM you seem to be receiving.   As an email marketer you do not want your messages to be perceived as part of this increasing amount of SPAM. Most ISP’s in either case recognizes that SPAM is an ever-growing issue. Therefore, most ISPs in response, have changed their email systems to block spammy emails from reaching their customers mailboxes.   However, the numbers are against us all.   Not only do ISP’s find it impossible to block 100% of incoming SPAM to their mail servers, they find it’s virtually impossible to block even 50% of email spam received from their customers in boxes.   And what’s worse for email marketers, because of false positives read by the ISP’s spam filters, legitimate emails will be blocked too.   The email system as we all know it has no real delivery protocol - There is no guarantee that an email sent will be delivered to the intended in-box    We all beli

Do Not Send an Email to Mike When it’s Pat’s Mailbox

Email mistakes could be funny, or they could be serious. Imagine, your department is working on their end of the year campaign, the company's biggest sale of the decade.  With care, photos are placed with the correct colored border to emphasize the offering, the text, after going through many renditions is flawless and the landing page is ready to inspire sales with the perfect call-to-action.  The email will go out today the sale starts 10/1/18.  Somehow the proofreader misread the final copy and, the date was mistakenly changed to 01/1/18. Bad Mistake?  It could be, considering the last email campaign you sent misspelled boot for boob. How can these email errors be avoided, because, besides embarrassing mistakes can be costly  To avoid is to be informed, so first, know what the common errors are: Broken Links :  Links that bring a visitor to a landing page, form or anywhere, are important or they should not be in your email message.  If the link goes nowhere or is broke

Is Your Discussion List On All The Popular Search Engines?

Why use Dundee Internet  discussion list  hosing instead of Facebook, Twitter, Google Groups and other social media channels?   Dundee Internet Discussion list hosting :   No one needs to remember to go to a webpage and search for the conversations Members can make comments and contributions that are truly private Posts are not parsed and severed up as ads (like Google and Yahoo Groups) Contents are not stored on 1000’s search engines The List owner will have better control over who see posts Our system prevents Spammers from posting Users can read and reply to posts at their leisure List members can have searchable web archives Personal information is safe, as we do not sell membership data There are no popups We never track email messages to see if they are opened Copyright claims on your messages   “I like the personal touch that Dundee Internet Services list hosting gives me over social media.” Sam ,  Maritime Advocate – See more at testimonials  here

Do you see what I see? Tips for Nonprofits to Increase Email Marketing Success.

Nonprofit organizations depend on supporters and volunteers to be successful.  Most of us have the desire to help in some way, but volunteering takes time; a more valuable commodity than money.  Since time is valuable to consider this –email marketing, is the best, quickest and most direct way to reach those potential supporters and volunteers without taking up too much of their time – but how do you connect to them? Visual Aids!  Don’t just tell people what’s so great about your organization show them. There a plethora of common visual aids available on the Internet, they can be added to your nonprofit mailings to emphasize your message and capture your reader’s attention. Using Images The adage "A picture’s worth a thousand words" still rings true in today’s high tech world.  Images not only catch the reader’s attention, they also humanize your organizations' mission statement. Keep in mind you can use your image in conjunction with a catchy Subject Line or a ca

"Do I Want My ESP To Do Everything?"

The foundation of successful email campaigns are made with the ESP you partner with. You depend on your ESP to deliver, both for the email fundamentals you use and the performance you need. Your ESP, one of the most critical parts of your marketing strategy is also one of the most critical parts of your marketing budget.   Just what is the core function of an Email Service Provide r – the core functionality of an ESP is to send emails.  If your ESP integrates with other applications to do “everything” most likely you are connected to 3 rd party software.  These partnerships have developed between companies to enhance the ESP experience, such as Magento, an e-commerce platform integrated with well know email providers. Most of us use E-commerce, which seems to be the driving force for system integration.  E-commerce users want their customer to see account details, check what’s in stock, delivery dates, return policies and so forth. They want it convenient for the customer. 

5 Easy Ways To Segment Your Mailing List.

Benefits of creating an email list segment – Its a fact, general email campaigns, sent to your entire subscriber base, will not always be as successful as you want them to be. Subscribers prefer a unique tailored email that speaks directly to them.  Research shows taking the time to personalize your email messages, not only increase open rates, but also clickthroughs which ultimately results in higher ROI. Personalize and sending the right message at the right time starts with segmenting your email list. 5 easy ways to segment your mailing list, so your email finds the proper inbox. 1. Demographics: Puzzle Pieces With  Lyris ListManager  there are hundreds of ways to use demographics to segment your list. New to using  demographics?  – we recommend you start slowly, with some of the more common demographics such as age, gender, location and birth date. Collect this information about each subscriber on their profile form by simply adding the demographic field you want to collect to your

Nonprofits, Decrease The Cost of New Recruitment and Grow Your Donor Base

Donor attrition is a fact of life, donor retention can be a challenge. Just like any business, it is always costlier to obtain a new customer, or in this case a new donor, than it does to keep one. The cost of obtaining a new interest can really degrade your budget. It is possible to decrease the cost of new recruitment and grow your donor base with supporter engagement driven by email marketing. Nonprofits always have a base of loyal enthusiasts. As you know not all supporters have made monetary donations to your cause. These people need to be motivated to do so. When a donor is totally engaged in your cause, this, as stats have shown, moves them to gift. Engaged supporters who already donate are noted making greater cash contributions more often. This motivation can be achieved by marketing to your donor base. Using marketing strategies, such as an email marketing campaign, cost-effective and will boost those donations in no time. Use what you know about your donors to cr

Should You Decide Between Social Media and Email Marketing

The Nonprofit Advantage Free Social Media Sites – free is always attractive, especially if you are working on a tight budget. Social media, as part of your marketing mix, augments. your virtual ads, website and Facebook presence: essentially giving any nonprofit marketing potential without limits.  Not to be overlooked, there is email marketing, which statistically, continues to be the most effective marketing the vehicle for acquiring new interest and maintaining ongoing relationships. In comparison with the other marketing channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, email, ( Discussion Lists, Announcements, and Newsletters) is sent directly to the inbox.  Email over Social Media has proven to: Attract more volunteer participation Reach out to people who are supporters and not social media followers Help organize big fundraisers Maintain employee interest Keeps lines of communication open with all facets of your organization How do you create a good solid email campaign?